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KCI등재 학술저널

멜론 분홍빛썩음병과 포도 흰얼룩병의 원인균인 Trichothecium Roseum에 대한 Bacillus Subtilis HK2의 항균활성

Antifungal Activity of Bacillus Subtilis HK2 against Trichothecium Roseum Causing Pink Rot of Melon and White Stain Symptom on Grape

DOI : 10.7732/kjpr.2016.29.1.039

2012년부터 2013년에 걸쳐 식물체 근권과 비근권 토양을 수집하였다. 수집한 토양을 희석평판법을 이용하여 총 782개의세균을 분리하였고, 분리한 세균을 실험실내에서 Trichothecium roseum과의 대치배양을 통해 균사생장억제율이 80% 내외로우수한 길항력을 나타내는 균주를 선발하였다. I-plate에서HK2균주와 T. roseum 두 균을 격리하여 밀폐배양 시 모두 균사생장억제 효과는 없기 때문에 휘발 물질은 아닌 것으로 판단되었다. NB배지에 길항균주와 T. roseum을 액체배양 한 결과88% 이상 균사생장억제 효과를 보였다. HK2균주를 동정하기위해 16S rDNA 염기서열분석과 API 50 CHB Kit (BioMerieux, France)를 이용하여 생화학적 특성을 분석한 결과 Bacillus subtilis로 동정되었다. HK2 균주가 생산한 항진균물질을 butanol 로 추출한 후 flash column chromatography를 이용하여 항진균물질을 정제한 결과 methanol 80%의 조건에서 잘 분리되었으며 향후 분리 순화를 통한 화학구조분석이 필요하다.

Pink Rot on melon and White Stain Symptom on grape are caused by Trichothecium roseum, one of the most important diseases of grape and melon. These diseases have been occurred in national-wide in Korea and causes irreversible damage on the grape and the melon at harvest season. This research presents the evaluation of the capacity of Bacillus subtillis HK2 to protect both melon and grape against T. reseum and establishes its role as a biocontrol agent. In this study, we isolated a Bacillus strain HK2 from rhizosphere soil, identified it as Bacillus subtillis by 16S rRNA analysis and demonstrated its antifungal activity against T. roseum. Under I-plate assay it was observed that the effect of hyphal growth inhibition was not due to production of volatile compounds. The optimum culture condition of HK2 was found at 30℃ and initial pH of 7.0. Application of HK2 culture suspension reduced 90.2% of white stain symptom on grape as compared to control, resulting in greater protection to grape against T. roseum infestation. Butanol extract of HK2 culture purified using flash column chromatography. The antifungal material was a polar substance as it showed antifungal activity in polar elute.

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