It failed occasionally to take a reasonable emergence rate since tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) seeds were planted on late Jan. showing lowest temperature. This experiment was done to measure the effect of GA3 (concentration ; period) , light quality (red ; white ; dark) during or after its treatment, daily irradiation hours( 0 ; 8 ; 12 ;16) and germination termperature (20 or 10 ∘C ocnstant ; 20/10∘C alternating) on the germination rate. Red and white light given during grmination showed no differences between the other daily irradiation hours except that 8 hours red light delayed germination although their 12 hours irradiation had the gratest rate. The rate was increased with increased concentration to GA3 0.01 mM or increased imbibition period to 3 days although the rate of cv. NC 82 was less than that of cv. Burley 21 in the case of dark imbibition of GA3 but daily 12 hours irradiation during germination. Light quality forced during GA3 imbibition eliminated such effect of GA3 shown in the darkness so that only light quality pretreatment and termperature during germinition were affected on the rate. The germination rate of thecultivars was decreased in the order of red, white light, darkness meaning that it was highly influenced by the light quality during GA3 treatment. Regardless of GA3 or light quality treatment,on the other hand, the rate was greater in 20 ∘C constat than 10∘C constant and 20/10∘C alternating germination temperature having similar germinative patterns.