최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

수출용 접목선인장 재배시 간이양액재배 연구

Studies on Simple Hydroponic Culture in Cultivation of Grafted Cactus for Export

DOI : 10.7732/kjpr.2015.28.4.546
  • 5

접목선인장 재배시 간이양액재배가 접목선인장 생육 및 품질에 미치는 영향을 구명코자 시험한 결과는 다음과 같다. 생육상황은 품종에 관계없이 토경재배에 비해 간이양액재배에서 구경이 크고 생체중이 무거웠으며 구 경도가 강하였다. 간이양액재배에서 줄기썩음병 및 접목 미활착율이 낮았고, 품종간에는큰 차이가 없었다. 수확소요일수는 간이양액재배시 토경재배에 비해 수확소요기간을 단축하였으며 상품수량도 증가되었다.

This study was carried out to investigate the effect of simple hydroponic culture in cultivation of grafted cactus. The results obtained are as follows: Growth indexes of grafted cactus cultivars, such as scion diameter, fresh weight, and scion hardness were improved in simple hydroponic culture compared with soil culture regardless of cultivars. Stem rot and rate of non-graft take were lower in simple hydroponic culture than in soil culture, but no significant difference was monitored between cultivars. Time for harvesting was fast in simple hydroponic culture compared with soil culture. Marketable yield increased in simple hydroponic culture.

서 언

재료 및 방법

결과 및 고찰

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