Abeliophyllum distichum is a monotypic taxon of Oleaceae and endemic to Korea. A comprehensive study on embryogeny and fruit and seed coat ontogeny in Abeliophyllum was carried out via microtome and light microscopy. The fertilization occurs during mid– to late April and embryo matures by early July. The embryo development follows the general fashion from globular embryo – transition embryo – heart shaped embryo – torpedo embryo – walking-stick embryo to mature embryo. The pericarp clearly differentiates into three histological zones: exocarp, mesocarp, and endocarp. The young seed comprises 10-12 cells thick seed coat and the mature seed coat comprises an exotesta, 6-8 mesotesta and an endotesta. Any crystals, phenolic-like compounds, idioblasts, and the sclereids are not found in pericarp as well as seed coat. An overall development confirms Solanade type of embryogenesis in Abeliophyllum. The endocarp becomes more prominent in mature fruit and all the layers of endocarp are highly lignified. On the basis of mechanical layer the seed coat is of exotestal type.
Materials and Methods