본 연구는 제주특산식물인 좀향유의 현지 내・외 보존을 위한기초 연구로서 증식체계를 마련하고 전처리제 처리에 따른 발근 특성과 시비에 따른 유묘의 생장 효과를 등을 알아보았다. 온실과 밀폐상의 온습도 조사결과 평균 온도는 비슷하였으나 공중 습도는 온실보다 밀폐상이 높은 습도를 유지하였으며, 좀향유 삽목 후 온실은 10일, 밀폐상은 7일만에 최초 발근을 확인하여 밀폐상의 빠른 발근율을 보였으며 온실과 밀폐상에서의 생존율, 발근율, 뿌리수 등은 근소하게 밀폐상이 높게 조사되어온실보다 밀폐상이 효과적이었다. 발근억제물질 제거를 위한 전처리제 처리는 AgNO3 77.5%를 제외한 다른 처리구에서 95% 이상의 높은 발근율로 조사되어 좀향유의 경우 발근억제 물질은적은 것으로 판단된다. 유묘의 용기별 질소 시비량 및 Osmocote 시비시험 결과 시비량과 용기의 조건에 따라 생존율과 생장 등에 차이를 보였다. 배양판에서 완효성 비료인 Osmocote를 시비한 결과 생존율, 지상부, 지하부 생장 등이 가장 양호하여 좀향유의 유묘 증식을 위해서는 Osmocote 시비가 바람직 할 것으로판단된다
This study was performed to establish a production system for in situ and ex situ conservation of Elsholtzia minima Nakai, an endemic plant grown in Jeju Island. Moreover, this study aimed to identify root-growth characteristics according to the use of pre-treatment agents and seedling growth effect according to fertilizer application. The mean temperature was similar in greenhouse and vinyl-moist chamber, but air humidity was higher in vinyl-moist chamber than in greenhouse. After stem planting of Elsholtzia minima Nakai, initial root growth was observed after 10 days in greenhouse and after 7 days in vinyl-moist chamber. Root growth rate was more rapid in vinyl-moist chamber. Moreover, survival rate, root growth rate and root number was slightly higher in vinyl-moist chamber than in greenhouse, indicating that vinyl-moist chamber is more effective in plant growth. When pre-treatment agents were used to remove root growth-inhibiting substances, a higher root growth rate of more than 95% was found in pre-treatment groups, excluding the group treated with AgNO3 at 77.5%. Thus, Elsholtzia minima Nakai is thought to have less root growth inhibitors. In the analysis of nitrogen application rate and Osmocote application by seedling container, a difference was found in survival rate and growth according to application rate and container conditions. When Osmocote, a slow release fertilizer, was applied to the soil surface around each culture container, survival rate and the growth of aerial and root parts were most favorable. Thus, Osmocote fertilizer is thought to be desirable for seedling propagation of Elsholtzia minima Nakai.
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