14종의 잿빛곰팡이병 균주를 순무의 잎에 접종시켜 병반의 확대 정도를 조사한 결과 순무잎은 ‘사과-01’ 등 4종의 균주에 대해서는 감수성을, ‘아카시아’ 등 7종에 대해서는 보통, ‘오렌지’ 등3종에 대해서는 저항성을 보였다. 순무잎에 함유된 glucosinolate(GLS)를 분석한 결과 butenyl-GLS, indol-3-ylmethyl GLS(I3M), 4-methoxy-indol-3-ylmethyl GLS (4MOI3M) 및 normal methoxy-indol-3-ylmethyl GLS (NMOI3M) 등 4 종류가 동정되었다. 순무잎의 GLS 함량은 감수성을 보이는 균주에 감염되었을 때보다 저항성을 보이는 균주에 감염되었을 때 높게 유지되거나 분해가 지연되는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 I3M의 함량은 저항성인 균주에 감염되었을 때는 무처리보다 보다2.5배 이상 함량이 증가하였으나 감수성 균주에 감염되었을때는 무처리 보다 함량이 낮았다. 4MOI3M 및 NMOI3M의 함량도저항성을 보인 균주에서 무처리에 비해서 각각 2.3 및 2.7배 이상의 증가를 보였다. 잿빛곰팡이병이 순무잎에 감염되면 병반의 중심으로 부터 5 ~10 ㎜ 부근에 GLS 함량이 현저하게 증가하였다. 그러나 저항성 균주를 처리한 곳에서는 GLS 함량이 계속 유지되면서 병반의 확대가 더 이상 진전되지 않으나, 감수성 균주를 처리한 잎에서는 기존에 합성되었던 GLS의 함량이 감소되면서 병반이 계속적으로 확대되어 갔다. 이는 GLS가 순무잎의 잿빛 곰팡이병에 대한 저항성을 나타내는 중요한 물질임을 시사한다.
In order to determine the response of turnip leaves to various races of Botrytis cinerea, fourteen different races were infected to the leaf surface and measured the lesion size. Based on lesion size of the pathogen on the leaves, turnip showed susceptible response to four races, moderate to seven races and resistant to three races. Four glucosinolate (GLS) compounds, such as butenyl GLS, indole-3ylmethyl GLS (I3M), 4-methoxy-indole-3-ylmethyl GLS (4MOI3M) and normal methoxy-indole-3ylmethyl GLS (NMOI3M) were identified in turnip leaves infected with Botrytis cinerea. Leaves infected with resistant races showed higher GLS contents as compared with the leaves infected with susceptible races. Contents of I3M in the leaves with resistant races were 2.5 times as high as those in uninfected leaves, whereas I3M in the leaves with susceptible races showed lower contents than those in untreated leaves. Leaves infected with resistant races showed 4MOI3M and NMOI3M contents 2.3 and 2.7 times as high as those in uninfected leaves, respectively. GLSs in the infected leaves were most abundant at 5~10 ㎜ area from center of the lesion. However, the GLSs in 5~10 ㎜ area were rapidly degradated at leaves with susceptible races which resulted in continuous expansion of the lesion on the leaves, whereas no degradation was obseveved at leaves with resistant races. These results suggest that accumulation and degradation of GLS compounds in turnip leaves closely related to the susceptibility and resistance of turnip leaves to Botrytis races.
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