조직배양에 의한 네리네 기내 대량증식 조건을 확립하고자 대량증식 배지선발, 자구비대 및 출현율 향상을 위한 첨가물질, 배양부위별 증식효율 등에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 네리네 기내 대량증식을 위한 생장조정제 처리결과 자구형성수는 단용처리보다 혼용처리에서 효과적이었다. 생장조정제 처리별 자구수에서 Nerine bowdenii Favorite 와 Nerine sarniensis Red 모두 NAA 0~0.5 + BA 0.5~2.0mg·L^-1에서 무처리 1.2개보다 66%~100% 향상된 1.8~2.4개로 효과적이었다. 자구비대 및 출현율 향상을 위한 최적 배지원과 농도는 Glucose 7%로 가장 양호잔 자구비대 및 순화시기에 관련 없는 높은 출현율을 보였다. 또한 질소원으로는 질산태와 암모니아태 질소 혼용 40mM에서 토양내 자구 출현율이 가장 높았다. 배양부위별 증식효율은 재료 확보가 제한적인 생장점 배양보다는 인편번식 배양이 54배 높은 증식효율을 보였으며, 인편번식 배양을 위한 부위로는 중인편이 양호한 생장 및 가장 높은 자구 형성(1.8개/절편)이 가능하였다.
Nerine from south africa and its sparkling flower shape make us estimate it as a hopeful kind of cut follow. There was a few studies on Nerine in korea. We started this study to set bulb propagation methods. The propagation by tissue culture was changeable according to the growth regulators The best growth regulator combination which makes a lot of Bulblet was NAA 0~0.5 + BA 0.5~2.0mg·L^-1 in Nerine bowdenii ‘Favourite’ and Nerine sarniens ‘Red’ respectively. The adjust culture media source for tissue culture were glucose 9% as a carbon source and (NH₄+NO₃) 40mM as a nitrogen source. When glucose was used as a carbon source, Bulblet were harvested a little bit low then sucrose but comparative emergence rate was so high that it is good for carbon source in nerine tissue culture. When we consist culture media as MS+BA 1.0mg·L^-1+sucose 7% + (NH₄+NO₃) 40mM, the produced Bulblet were reached up to 1.7 each per bulb and emergence rate was up to 100% irrespective of acclimatization period. The suitable culture explant for nerine tissue culture was scale. When scale was cultured with MS+BA 1.0mg·L^-1+sucose 7%, its propagation efficiency was 54 times greater than using growing point. A proper culture part of the scaly leaf was middle part (8 scaly leaf from outer 8th scaly leaf) when middle part was cultured the number of Bulblet were up to 1.8 each per explant.
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