Genetic variation and structure of 9 subpopulations of Symplocarpus renifolius Schott ex Tzvelev on Mt. Cheonma, in Korea, were determined via starch-gel electrophoresis. The genetic diversity at 10 loci for 8 isozymes (P99=66%, A=2.26, H0=0.212, He=0.230) was found to be considerably higher than that seen in other long-lived perennial plants. On the whole, the genotype frequencies were in accordance with Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Approximately 5%(θ=0.049) of the total variability was among subpopulations. The high levels of observed genetic diversity in S. renifolius were attributed to a universal outcrossing system and other specific factors like differences in age classes and widely scattered individuals around the main distribution. Heterozygosity was highest at a mid-range of elevation(450m~600m). The lowest heterozygosity at lower elevation was attributed to the possible origin of seeds transported by water from upstream regions during the monsoon season. Spatial structure in a subpopulation evidenced a strong autocorrelation between closer individuals within 3~4m of distance. This was assumed to be attributable to the restricted seed dispersal characteristics of S. renifolius. In accordance with the findings generated in this study, some implications regarding the conservation of S. renifolius at the Mt. Cheonma were also presented.