최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

도심 노후산업단지를 도시첨단산업단지로 재생하기 위한 입지선정 평가지표 개발

Development of Site Evaluation Index for Changing an Old Urban Industrial Complex into an Advanced Urban Industrial Complex

  • 24

The purpose of this study is to develop a site evaluation index for changing an old urban industrial complex into an advanced urban industrial complex to previously evaluate the feasibility of the project. It extracted the importance of the project through AHP analysis based on site selection elements in previous studies and compared the difference in the aspect of supply and demand. It asked experts how they thought about the importance of the index and analyzed their answers. There were 20 evaluation elements. Four elements among them were the efficiency of the project, the element of demand from companies, the element of laborers and the relation with neighboring areas. Efficiency of the project was the most important. The element of demand from companies was the second and the relation with neighboring areas was the third. The element of laborers was the fourth. This study will provide important basic information for reviving an old urban industrial complex and forming an advanced urban industrial complex and contribute to the energization of the local economy and the improvement of the local people’s lives by corresponding to the efficiency of the project and the demand from companies.

1. 서 론

2. 이론적 고찰

3. 분석의 틀

4. 입지선정 평가지표의 중요도 분석

5. 결론 및 시사점
