훠궈는 중국 삼국시대의 역사서에도 등장할 만큼 역사가 깊은 중국의 대표적인 요리이다. 지금 우리나라에도 크고 작은 도시할 것 없이 어디서나 쉽게 찾아서 맛볼 수 있는 보편화된 요리이기도 하다. 탕에 재료를 넣으면 ‘구동구동’ 끓는 소리가 귀를 자극하고 마라의 향기에 식재료의 살아있는 식감까지 맛, 소리, 향기가 어우러진 삼중주가 조화롭다. 훠궈는 사천의 대표적인 요리이긴 하지만 사천만의 음식은 아니다. 훠궈는 지역적으로 북방 훠궈와 남방 훠궈로 나뉜다. 또한 솥에 따라서도 그 종류가 다양해서 솥, 재료, 소스의 다양함을 즐길 수 있는 음식이기도 하다. 최근에는 혼밥족들이 선호하는 훠궈의 축소판이라고 할 수 있는 마라탕도 사람들에게 크게 사랑받고 있다. 훠궈는 중국을 대표하는 음식임에 틀림없고, 본고에서는 團圓, 養生, 多樣性 등 이렇게 세 가지로 나눠서 훠궈가 가진 문화적 의미를 살펴보았다.
Hot Pot(Huoguo) is a representative dish of China with a long history that also appears in the history books of the Han Dynasty. It is a popular dish that can be easily found and tasted anywhere in Korea, regardless of size. When ingredients are put in the soup, the gudong gudong boiling sound stimulates the ears and the aroma of Mala to the living texture of the ingredients is harmonized with the taste, sound and aroma. Hot Pot is a representative dish of Sichuan, but it is not just Sichuan s food. Hot Pot is locally divided into northern Hot Pot and southern Hot Pot, and the recipes are largely divided into six categories. Hot Pot is especially famous for Mala Hot Pot, which is based on Mala, and Spicy Hot Pot(Malatang), which is favored by eating alone people, is greatly loved by people these days. Hot Pot is fun to choose and eat a variety of ingredients, and the ingredients and sauces are very diverse, so you can choose and enjoy the taste of Hot Pot. In this paper, we could look at some of the cultural meanings of Hot Pot. First, Hot Pot has the meaning of ‘reunion’ which is important in China as it is a food that many people gather together to eat. Second, it has the meaning of ‘nourish’. This is because you can keep your body healthy from the cold and humid weather by eating warm with various ingredients. Third, it is a food that contains ‘diversity’. It is because Hot pot can be cooked in a variety of ways from soup to taste and ingredients. By looking at the taste of Hot Pot and Spicy Hot Pot, which have attracted people around the world, it was an opportunity to consider the cultural meaning of Chinese food culture, and we will continue to study Chinese food culture and try to analyze characteristic cultural keywords that can express China.
1. 서론
2. 훠궈의 기원
2.1 훠궈의 유래와 명칭
2.2 훠궈의 종류
2.3 훠궈의 솥
3. 마라탕
3.1 마라탕의 명칭
3.2 마라탕의 특징
4. 훠궈의 문화적 의미
5. 결론