최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

경기지역 인삼재배지의 토양 및 엽중 적정양분함량 검정

The Chracterization of Critical Ranges of Soil Physico-chemical Properties of Ginseng Field and Nutrient Contents of Ginseng Leaves in Gyeonggi Province

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본 연구는 경기도 안성, 포천지역 인삼재배지의 이화학적 성질 및 인삼의 엽 분석을 실시하여 인삼의 생육에 적합한 토양 및 엽중 적정 양분 농도를 설정하고자 수행하였다. 인삼 생근중은 우량포지가 불량포지에 비하여 안성지역이 2-5배, 포천지역이 1.5-2배 차이를 보여 동일 지역내에서도 큰 생육차이를 보이고 있었다. 인삼 생육에 관여하는 토양의 이화학적 성질의 적정 범위는 안성지역에서 공극률(>50%), 전질소(2.0-2.8 g/kg), 유효인산(500-900 mg/kg), 치환성 Ca(2.3-3.5 cmolc kg-1)이었으며, 포천지역에서는 액상(13%<), 유효인산(400-650 mg/kg), 치환성 Ca(4.0-4.7 cmolc kg-1), 치환성 Mg(<0.8 cmolc kg&#8315;¹), 치환성 K(<0.5 cmolc kg&#8315;¹)로 나타났다. 특히, 안성지역에 있어서는 치환성 염기 성분비(Exch Ca:Mg:K)도 인삼생육에 관여하고 있었는데 우량포지에서 6:2:1, 불량포지에서 4:2:1의 값을 보였다. 엽중 무기양분 함량 적정 범위는 안성지역에서 P(<0.25%), Mg(0.22%<), 포천지역에서 N(1.8%<), P(0.18%<), K(1.5-3.0%)의 값을 보였으며 그 이외의 일부 엽중 무기양분 성분비에서도 적정 범위가 설정되었다.

Ginseng growth is largely affected by characteristics of soil in Ginseng field. In this study, we determined the critical ranges of physico-chemical properties of soil for optimization of ginseng growth by analyzing the soils from Anseong and Pocheon regions in Gyeonggi province. Fresh weight of ginseng was 2 to 5 fold higher in good growth field compared to poor growth field within Anseong region. In the case of Pocheon region, 1.5 to 2 fold differences of fresh weight of ginseng was observed between good and poor growth field. These results indicate the difference of ginseng growth even in the same region. Based on these results, critical ranges of physico-chemical properties of soils were determined by comparing the good and poor growth field of each regions, which are follows; more than 50% of soil porosity, 2.0~2.8 g/kg of total nitrogen, 500~900 mg/kg for Av. P₂O&#8325;, 2.3~3.5 cmolc kg-1 for Exch. Ca in Anseong; less than 13% of liquid phase, 400~650 mg/kg for Av. P₂O&#8325;, 4.0~4.7 cmolc kg&#8315;¹ for Exch. Ca, less than 0.8 and 0.5 cmolc kg&#8315;¹ for Exch. Mg and K, respectively, in Pocheon. Interestingly, we found that ginseng growth was affected by exchangeable base ratio (Ca:Mg:K) especially in Anseong region, which were 6:2:1 in good growth field while 4:2:1 in poor growth field. Critical ranges for nutrient contents of ginseng leaves were also characterized, which are less than 0.2% and 0.22% of each P and Mg, respectively, in Anseong, while less than 1.8% and 0.18% of each N and P, respecively, and 1.5~3.0% of K in Pocheon. In addition, we determined critical ranges for inorganic nutrient contents in the current study.

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