최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

지황재배시 재식방법이 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향

Effect of Planting Method on the Growth and Yield of Rehmannia glutinosa Liboschitz

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지황 재배시 적합한 재식방법을 구명하고자 충북지방재래조을 공시하여 휴폭 200cm, 조간 30cm(6렬), 주간 8.5cm($\textrm{m}^2$ 수식 이미지당 30주)로 4월 23일에 파종하여 란괴법 3반복으로 시허믈 실시하였던 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 출현은 관행인 평식의 5월 23일 보다 사식, 직식에서 2~4일 늦었으며, 과자, 과장$\times$ 수식 이미지과폭 비 등은 큰차는 없었으나 평식>사식>직식 순이었다. 2. 지하부 생육중 근장과 근태는 평식 29.2cm, 10.0mm 보다 사식 3.4cm, 0mm, 직식은 2.8cm, 1.0mm가 각각 감소하였으며 당함량은 평식>사식>직식 순으로 많았다. 3. 10a당 총수량은 평식 1,203kg에 비하여 사식은 9%, 직식은 15%가 각각 감소되었고, 상품수량은 총수량과 같은 경향으로, 중부 내륙지방에서 지황 재배법 재식방법은 관행인 평식으로 하는 것이 유리하였다.

This experiment was carried out to investigate the proper planting method of Rehmannia glutinasa Liboschitz. A Chungbuk local cultivar was sown on the seed bed of 200cm with the planting density of 30cm(6 rows) $\times$ 수식 이미지 8.5cm(30 rhizome per $\textrm{m}^2$ 수식 이미지). The experimental design was randomized block design with 3 replications. And the result was summarized as follows. The emergence date of level Planting(control : 0$^{\circ}$ 수식 이미지) was May 23, but the emergence dates of Oblique planting(45$^{\circ}$ 수식 이미지) and Upright planting(90$^{\circ}$ 수식 이미지) treatments were later than the control by 2~4 days. And the leaf length and the ratio of leaf length/leaf width were not significantly different. As compared with the 29.2cm and 10.0mm of the rhizome length and the rhizome diameter of level planting treatment, the rhizome length of Oblique planting treatment was decreased by 3.4cm and 0 mm. The length and diameter of rhizome of the Upright planting treatment was decreased by 2.8cm and 1.0mm. And the order of sugar content was level Planting > Oblique planting > Upright planting. The total yields were decreased by 9% in the Oblique planting and by 15% in the Upright planting compared to 1,203kg/10a in the control, and the commercial yields showed the same tendency. The level planting treatment was found to be most proper for sowing of Rehmannia glutinasa Liboschitz in the middle inland region of Korea.
