The most of the Koreans living in China is the descendants of the people who leaved homeland to do anti-Japanese movement or to keep away from the suppression and exploitation of Japanese. They―excluded from the category of compatriot with foreign nationality up to now―are going to be included in the category of compatriot with foreign nationality by the ‘Law on Overseas Koreans.’ Therefore they will acquire the same legal status with the Koreans living in U.S.A. However, actually the amendment of the law alone could not be helpful for the real life of them. That is to say, the following management is necessary like these; amendment of the enforcement order and regulation of the law, security of the free traffic, measures for amnesty and legitimacy for whom are staying in Korea illegally. Finally, the most important thing is the diplomatic effort to permit the dual nationality.
1. 머리말
2. 재중한인의 이주사와 중국국적취득과정
3. 재외동포법의 제정과 주요내용
4. 재외동포법과 향후 대책
5. 맺음말