Yanbian Korean did not consider Duman-river(頭滿江) a national boundary before 8.15 Liberation. Yanbian Korean considered North Korea the fatherland before Korean war. And Yanbian Korean thought they must guard their fatherland. A matter of fact, at least 20 thousands of Yanbian Korean young soldier went to North Korea in 1949 and 1950. As Korean War broke out, they soon participated in that war. 28th June 1950, North Korean Peoples’ Army occupied Seoul, the capital of South Korea. That time, Yanbian Korean were delighted. But no sooner America intervened at that war, than Yanbian Korean were very disappointed and afraid of America. October 1950, Chinese army also intervened at Korean war. That army at first, gained victory. Thereupon Yanbian Korean were easy in mind. Between October 1950 and July 1953, much of Yanbian Korean participated in that war for North Korea as a translator, nurse, driver, propaganda. At that time there were repression anti-revolutionary movement and anti-3(corruption, waste, bureaucratism) movement in Yanbian. Under the favor of those movements, Chinese Communist Party was able to control Yanbian Korean society easily all the more.
1. 머리말
2. 전쟁 발발 직전 연변 조선인 사회와 북한
3. 전쟁 발발 및 진행과 연변 조선인사회
4. 맺음말