본 연구는 적단심계 홑꽃인 불새와 평성 품종간의 정역교잡을 통하여 육성된 교배묘를 대상으로 잎의 형태적 특성과 유전적 변이를 고찰하여 좀 더 아름답고 다양한 무궁화 품종의 육성과 개발에 필요한 기초 자료를 제공하고 신품종 무궁화의 육성 가능성을 제시하고자 하였다. 불새 × 평성 교배조합의 평균엽장과 엽폭은 각각 6.09cm와 3.36cm였으며 평균 엽병장은 1.08cm, 평균 어깨폭과 결각 깊이는 각각 1.50cm와 0.84cm로 나타났고, 평균 엽저각도는 98.56℃였다. 조사된 7가지 엽 특성을 기초로 유집분석을 실시한 결과, 거리수준 5.4를 기준으로 크게 2개의 Group으로 구분되었다. 평성×불새 교배조합의 조사된 7가지 엽 특성을 기초로 유집분석을 실시한 결과, 거리수준 4.2를 기준으로 크게 2개의 Group으로 구분되었으며, Group I 은 2개의 소 Group을 포함하고, Group II는 4개의 소 Group를 포함하고 있는 것으로 나타났다.
This study was performed to provide basic information of the development and breeding of new cultivars of Hibiscus syriacus L., which have more beautiful and diverse flowers. Morphological characteristics of the leaves and genetic variation of the leaves of two Jeoktanshim-line cultivars, Bulsae and Pyungsung, were crossed each other. The result of the cross between Bulsae and Pyungsung are as follows: Mean leaf length and width were 6.09cm and 3.36cm, respectively. Mean petiole length was 1.08cm, and mean shoulder width and incision depth were 1.50cm and 0.84cm, respectively. Mean leaf base angle was 98.56℃. Leaf index and petiole length were the most important components of leaf characteristics. Two groups were clustered in distance level 5.4. The result of the cross between Pyungsung and Bulsae are as follows: Mean leaf length and width were 5.25cm and 3.10cm, respectively. Mean petiole length was 0.87cm, and mean shoulder width and incision depth were 1.50cm and 0.76cm, respectively. Mean leaf base angle was 107.87℃, which was the widest among ten cross combinations. Two groups were clustered with seven leaf characteristics in distance level 4.2. Group I included two small groups, and group II included four small groups.
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