삼백초의 지상부 생육은 1년에서 2년차의 생육은 증가 폭이 컸으나, 2년에서 3년차의 생육은 감소하거나 부진하였다. 1년차에서는 소식일수록 생육이 양호하였으나, 3년생은 밀식할수록 차이가 없거나 감소하였다. 단위면적당 엽수와 경수는 재배년수가 경과하고 밀식할수록 많았다. 경엽(莖葉) 수량이 1년생은 밀식에서, 2년생은 40×10cm에서, 3년생은 40×20cm에서 가장 많았다. 근경중(根莖重)은 1년생에서 2년생은 중량의 증가폭이 켰으나, 2년생에서 3년생은 증가 폭이 둔화되었다. 재식거리간 근경중은 년차 간 고도의 유의성이 있었으며, 경엽중에 비해 매우 높았다.
The growth of stem and leaves in Saururus chinensis. in the 2nd year was markedly increased comparing to that in the 1st year, however the growth in the 3rd you was not increased significantly. The growth in the 1st yew was greater in low planting density, while the growth in the 3rd year decreased in higher planting densities. The num- ber of leaves and stems per unit area increased in higher planting densities and later years. The weight of stem and leaves in Saururus chinensis was higher at the highest planting density in the 1st yew, at 40×10cm planting in the 2nd year and at 40×20cm planting in the 3rd year. The weight of rhizome in Saururus chinensis increased greatly in the 2nd you comparing to that in the 1st year, but the increase was insignificant in the 3rd year. The weight of rhizomes in Saururus chinensis showed significant interaction between planting densities and years showed highly significant difference.
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