Screening of Seed Disinfectant for Controlling Brown Leaf Blight in Alisma plantago Double Cropping after Early Rice
Screening of Seed Disinfectant for Controlling Brown Leaf Blight in Alisma plantago Double Cropping after Early Rice
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of seed disinfectant, in control of brown leaf blight, growth characteristics, and dry root yield in the cultivation of Alisma plantago after early maturing rice cropping. Experimental plot was laid out in split plots design with three replications. The major seed disinfectants were benomyl Wp, 20%, Captan Wp, 50%, Triferine Ec, 17%, Etridia zole Ec, 25%, and Thioplant-mythyl Wp, 50%. Even though seed disinfectant treated had no effect on the growth and flowering date of Alisma plantago, dry root yield was increased largely with benomyl Wp, 20%, in seed disinfectant than in the other seed disinfectants and contorl. All seed disinfectants had no injury with standard dosage. But all seed disinfectants had slight injury in the double dosage level for the Alisma plantago. On the basis of yield, vegetative and disease paramerer, benomyl Wp (20%) ($100g/20{\ell}$ 수식 이미지) had shown superior performance, however, all the seed disinfectants are effective as compare to without treatment.