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KCI등재 학술저널

[특집] 4·3문학비평 에 대한 비판적 성찰

A Critical Introspection on the Criticism of 4·3 Literature : for the renewal of Criticism of 4,3 Literature

  • 31

With a close examination of historical truth about 4·3, the project to recover the dignity of Jeju people who were killed at that time on a false charge has been carrying out continually by various social circles. Its full-scale beginning has been carried out through 4·3 literature , which means it is a pride of 4·3 literature at the same time it accompanies 4·3 literature with strong responsibility. Based on the problem conscious toward the renewal of 4·3 literature and criticism of 4·3 literature . I tried to introspect critically on the argument of criticism of 4·3 literature submitted so far. In the rapidly changing literary climate since in the 1990s, while looking honestly reality that the creation and criticism of 4·3 literature stayed without changes, it causes the problem conscious of introspective criticism in which a new opportunity of 4·3 literature can be happened, The reason is 4·3 and its literature, as an uncompleted present progressive form not the completed one, are a real form whose shadow lies down deeply into the life of living people in Jeju. Therefore, I raised the problems in the several ways around the real problems about existed criticism of 4·3 literature . Most of all, in order to escape from the limitation of local literature I raised, it should consider the universal opportunity based on the locality to head for the peculiarity of 4·3 literature while connecting with reality of people of the thrid world, as well as the point connecting various context of 4·3 literature with other area at home. It is also a way to participate as a part of mature world literature without adhering to isolated local literature. Therefore, a task is raised that ideology of divided system to surpass 4·3 literature and productive ideology to resist should be appropriated to a problem conscious of mature criticism. The requirement of criticism of 4·3 literature is critical politics and critical ideology , not the post politics and post ideology, to offer practical force for exploring historical truth of distorted 4·3. The critical exploration on 4·3 literature is urgently required under the close relation with comprehensible problem frame of divided literature and national literature. Also the math stream(criticism recognized in the viewpoint of resistant history or suffering history) of existed criticism of 4·3 literature should be broken up progressively in order to quickly prepare changing reality. Therefore, the critical approach by the thematic aspect like mass slaughter and destruction of ecosystem should be carried out seriously. However, the renewal of criticism on 4·3 literature like the above should not overlook the fixing point of criticism of 4·3 literature of following generation. Because 4·3 literature of following generation who did not experience 4·3 is free from it. they can achieve the advanced criticism. On the other hands, it can bring the opposite results. Therefore, we should gather wisdom in order to prepare the basis in which we should change creatively critical problem conscious of this generation. I also have a limitation not having a concrete alternative about this task. With the context of security of the public, 4·3 literature is connected with a problem how it gradually having gone away from readers approaches to them. The creation and criticism of 4·3 literature is in the point in which the problems that should be necessary to renew are raised critically. Surely this renewal is related to enhance creatively in the concrete reality in which the movement of reality, connection with unification movement, and problem conscious toward relationship with the public movement of the third world have been changing. In order to renew the creation and criticism of 4·3 literature in the static state, it requires the change of conscious of criticism which it should be understood as a Living thing of present progressive or a vigorous substance.
