유색칼라 미숙배 배양에 의한 급속 증식체계를 확립 하고자 Southern Light 품종을 자가수분 시켜 배발육단계 및 식물생장조절제 종류와 농도가 다량의식물체 재분화에 미치는 효과를 조사하였다. 배 발육단계 별로 MS 기본배지 에 배양한 결과 globular 단계 미숙배는 반응이 없었고 몇 개의 어뢰형 배 및 초기 자업기배는 팽대 및 발아되었는데 어린 자엽기 미숙배가 87.5% 발아율을 보여 가장 효과적이었다. 한편 어린 자엽기 미숙배를 2,4-D, NAA및 BA를 단용 또는 혼용처리한 결과 2,4-D 단용 및 BA와 혼용처리배지에서는 유백색의 점액성 캘러스만이 8개월까지 증식되었고 NAA와 BA혼용처리 배지에서는 담황색의 단단한 배발생적 캘러스가 증식되어 모두 식물체로 재분화되었는데 특히 0.5 mg/L NAA와 1.0 mg/L BA혼용처리 하였을때 한개 자엽기 미숙배로 부터 25-30개의 식물체가 재분화 되었으며 동일배지에 10% coconut water를 첨가하므로 기내 식물의 급속생장이 효과적이었다. 배유래 재분화된 식물체는 vermiculite, perlite 및 모래를 1:1:1로 혼합한 토양에 이식하였으며 100% 정상식물체로 자라고 있다.
In order to investigate the effects of developmental stage of embryos and plant growth regulators on mass production of Zantedeschia spp. Southern Light, immature zygotic embryos of Zantedeschia spp. Southern Light were cultured on Murashige and Skoog(1962) basal media or containing 2,4-D, NAA and BA. Globular embryos did not grow on any of the 2,4-D, NAA and BA combinations. The most suitable stage of immature zygotic embryo culture on the induction callus and multiple shoot was at early cotyledonary embryo stage, and at this stage of embryos were germinated up to 87.5%. The whitish watery callus and yellowish compact nodular callus produced on all 2,4-D, NAA and BA media. The best combination for inducing embryogenic callus was 0.5 mgL NAA and 1.0 mg/L BA. Whitish watery calli have been subcultured for more than 8 months and have retained their producing ability, Plant regeneration was only obtained by direct shoot development and yellowish compact nodular calli. Abundant plantlets were regenerated from cotyledonary stage of embryo culture on MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L NAA and 1.0 mg/L BA. Supplementation of the media with 10% coconut water showed as the best concentration for plant differentiation from direct developed of shoots. The number of regenerated plants from one embryo could be seperated 25-35s plantlets. All yellowish compact callus-derived plantlets were transferred to pots containing a mixture of vermiculite, perlite and sand(1:1;1 v/v) and 100% of divided plantlets were phenotypically normal.
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