들깨 유전자원 특성평가로 품종육성의 기초자료를 얻고자 남부지역 들깨 196점을 수집 분석한결과 성숙일수는 104∼136일로 넓게 분포하였으며, 111∼130일이 96%로 대부분 이었고, 110일 이하와 131일 이상은 각 2% 이었는데, 111일 미만의 조숙종인 전남 나주$.$ 수식 이미지보성, 전북 고창 수집종의 3계통을 선발하였다. 경장은 71-157 cm로 수집종 간에 차이가 많았으며, 111∼130 cm가 41%로 가장 많았고,90 cm 미만 7%, 151 cm이상은 4%순 이었으며, 장경종인 전남 담양 수집종 등 7계통을 선발하였다. 5 cm 이상의 화방군수는 52∼291개로 수집종 간에 차이가 컸으며, 100-180개가 57.1%로 가장 많았고, 100개 미만과 221개 이 상은 각 13.3%이었는데, 전북 진안과 남원 수집종이 각각 291과 302개로 가장 많았다. 화방군당 삭수는 23∼56개 이었으며 ,26∼45개가 49.5%로 가장 많았다. 화방군장은 6∼20 cm로 분포하였고, 8∼14 cm가 62.8%로 가장 많았다 1,000립중은 2.4∼5.7 g으로 차이가 컸으며 ,3.1∼4.0g이 66.8%로 가장 많았고, 4.1∼5.0 g은 12.8% 이었다. 2.9 g이 하는 19.4%이었으며 ,5.1 g 이상은 전북 남원과 경남 창녕의 수집 종으로 1.0% 이었다.
This study was conducted to examine the variations in 196 local perilla collected in southern part of Korea and to provide basic informations which can be utilize in perilla breeding programs. The results obtained were gummarized as the follows. Maturing period was widely distributed from 104 to 136 days. The maturing periods of most collections were 111 to 130 days(96%). and that Four percent of collections showed maturing period of below 110 days and above 131 days. Three varieties below 111 days of maturing period were selected among local perilla collected from Jeonnam(Naju and Boseong) and Jeonbuk(Gochang). Stem length was ranged from 71 to 157 cm. The stem length of 111 to 130 cm, under 90 cm, and above 151 cm were 41%,, 7%, and 4%, respectively. Seven varieties with long stem were selected among local perilla collected in Jeonnam(include Damyang collection). The number of cluster per plant was distributed 52 to 291. The distribution of cluster numbers were 100 to 180, under 100, and above 221 was 57%, 13% , and 13%, respectively. The number of seed capsules was distributed 23 to 56 and the collections ranged from at of 26 to 45 was 49.5%. Seed cluster length was distributed from 6 to 20 cm and that ranged from 8 to 14 cm was 62.8%.1,000 grain weight ranged from 2.4 to 5.7 g. The distribution of 1,000 grain weight is 3.1 to 4.0 g,4.1 to 5.0 g, and below 2.9 g was 66.8%, 12.8%, and 19.4%, respectively. The 1,000 grain weight above 5.1 g(1.0%) was selected among local perilla collected in Jeonbuk(Namwon) and Gyeongnam(Changnyeong).
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