흑색 비닐피복과 재식밀도에 따른 지황의 생육과 수량에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위해 지황 1호를 시험재료로 흑색 비닐피복과 재식밀도를 달리하여 재배 시험을 수행하였던 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 출현율은 무피복 78.0%에 비하여 흑색 비닐피복에서 3.1%더 높았고, 재식밀도 간에는 차이가 없었다 생육은 흑색 비닐피복과 소식에서 생육이 왕성하였으나, 단위 면적 당 엽 중, 근경 수는 밀식 할수록 무겁거나 많았다. 건근경중은 무피복 402 kg/10a에 비하여 흑색 비닐피복재배에서 28% 증수되었으며, 개체 당 건근경중은 소식할수록, 단위면적 당 수량은 밀식 할수록 증가하였다.
These studies were carried out to clarify the effects of black P.E. mulching and planting density on the growth and rhizome yield of Jihwang #1, a new high yielding Rehmannia glutinosa variety. Emergence ratio was higher 3.1% in mulching than in non-mulching, but was not affected by planting density. Plant height and fresh leaf weight per plant were increased by mulching and at lower planting density. However, the fresh leaf weight per unit area was increased at higher planting density. Dry rhizome weight was increased 28% in mulching than that of non-mulching. Dry rhizome weight per plant was increased, but that of per unit area was decreased at lower planting density.
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