최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

강원지역 재래종 들깨의 생육특성에 관한 연구

Characteristics of Local Perilla Collected in Kangwon province of Korea

들깨 유전자원 특성평가로 품종육성의 기초자료를 얻고자 강원지역 들깨 42점을 수집 분석하였다. 성숙일수는 109∼140일 이었으며, 116∼130일이 95.2%로 대부분 이었고, 115일 이하와 131일 이상은 각 2.4% 이었는데, 109일로 조숙종인 양구군 수집종 1종을 선발하였다. 경장은 80∼140 cm로 수집품종 간에 차이가 많았으며, 111∼130cm가 54.8%로 가장 많았고, 111 cm 미만 28.6%, 131 cm 이상은 16.7%순 이었다. 5 cm 이상의 화방군수는 23∼120개로 수집품종간에 차이가 컸으며, 40∼70개가 57.2%로 가장 많았고, 40개 미만과 100개 이상은 각각 16.7%, 11.9%이었는데, 영양군 서면과 양양읍 수집종이 각각 118과 120개로 가장 많았다. 화방군당 삭수는 20∼40개 이었으며, 31∼35개가 38.1%로 가장 많았다. 화방군장은 5.1∼9.0 cm로 분포하였고, 6.1∼8.0 cm가 64.3%로 가장 많았다. 1,000립중은 1.7∼3.8g으로 수집품종간 차이가 컸으며, 2.4∼2.6 g이 35.7%로 가장 많았고, 3.0∼3.2 g은 19.1% 이었다. 3.8 g으로 가장 무거운 화천군 수집종 1종을 선발하였다.

This study was conducted to examine the variations in 42 local perilla collected in Kangwon province of Korea and to provide basic informations which can be utilize in perilla breeding programs. The results obtained were summarized as the follows. Maturing period was widely distributed from 109 to 140 days. The maturing periods of most collections were 116 to 130 days(95.2%). and that 4.8% of collections shown maturing period of below 115 days and above 131 days. Three varieties 109 day of maturing period were selected among local perilla collected from Yanggu gun. Stem length was ranged from 80 to 140 cm. The stem length of 111 to 130 cm, below 111 cm, and above 131 cm were 54.8%, 38.6%, and 16.7%, respectively. The number of cluster per plant was distributed 23 to 120. The distribution of cluster numbers were 40 to 70, under 40, and above 100 was 57.2%, 16.7%, and 11.9%, respectively. The number of seed capsules was distributed 20 to 40 and the collections ranged from at of 30 to 35 was 38.1 %. Seed cluster length was distributed from 5.1 to 9.0 cm and that ranged from 6.1 to 8.0 cm was 64.3%, 1,000 grain weight ranged from 1.7 to 3.8 g. The distribution of 1,000 grain weight is 2.4 to 2.6 g, 3.0 to 3.2 g, and below 2.9 g was 35.7%, 19.1%, respectively. The 1,000 grain most weight 3.8 g was selected among local perilla collected in Hwacheon gun.


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