커버이미지 없음
Notes on the Korean Ascomycetes (VI)
- 한국자원식물학회
- Plant Resources
- Vol.1 No.2
- 1998.10
- 126 - 131 (6 pages)
Many higher fungi of ascomycetes were collected at Mt.Odae, Mt. Moak, Mt.Jiri, Mt.Hanla, Mt.Manduck and Mt.Yonsuk from 1996 to 1997. They were identified and according to the result, the genera of Lachnellula, Encoelia and Hymenoscyphus and the species of Peziza praetervisa, Lachnellula pseudofarinacea, Dasyschyphus acutipilus, Encoelia furfuracea, Hymenoscyphus equisetinus, Hypocera pulvinata, Nectria coryli and Nectria ellisii are newly to Korea. Korean common names of them were designed by author.