최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

관수가 작약의 생육과 수량에 미치는 영향

Effect of Irrigation Treatment on Growth and Yield of Paeonia lactiflora Pallas L.(Peony)

작약 생육기간중 관수가 생육과 수량에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 시험을 수행한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1 지상부 생육은 생육초기(5월1일∼6월12일)관수한 처리구가 경장 79.4cm, 경의 굵기 6.5cm로서 자연 강우나 대조구에 비해 각각 13.6∼7.4cm, 0.5mm씩 더 크거나 굵었다. 2. 지하부 생육은 생육 초기 관수가 근장 34.0cm, 근수 43.6개/주로서 자연 강우보다 각각 6cm, 5.5개/주 크거나 많았으며, 수량도 2,349kg/10a로서 자연 강우나 대조구에 비해 각각 13,8% 증수되었다. 3. 상품수량은 생육초기 관수가 2,045kg/10a로서 자연 강우의 1,708kg/10a, 대조구의 1,776kg/10a에 비해 각각 20, 15% 향상되었다.

The study was conducted to find effect of irrigation treatment during growth stage on growth and yield of Paeonia lactiflora Pallas L.. In case of top ground part, growth of irrigation treatment at early growing stage(from May 1 to June 12) was larger(stem length of 79.4cm) or thicker(stem diameter of 6.5mm) than stem length of 13.6∼7.4cm and stem diameter of 0.5mm of natural plot and control. The growth of under ground part, root length(34.0cm) and number of root/plant(43.6ea/plant) in irrigation treatment at early growing stage were relatively larger or more number than that of control, and root yield was gained 2,349kg/10a and increased 13% and 8% compare with natural plot and control, respectively. Commercial ratio of root was higher for irrigation treatment at early growing stage, it was increased by 20% than 1,708kg/10a of natural plot.


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