옻나무의 묘목생산성을 높이기 위하여 근삽에 있어서 BA의 처리방법과 삽식법을 공시하였다. 삽식 당일에 삽수를 1,000 mg/L BA 용액에 1분간 침지처리가 적하법보다 초기에 신초의 발생율은 낮았으나 5주 이후부터 급격하게 증가하여 10주 후에 는 약 85%로 가장 높았으며, 적하법에서는 BA의 처리 간격이 신초의 발생에 큰 영향이 없었다. 2일 간격으로 100 μl의 BA를 적하한 삽수에서 수장이 가장 컸으며 엽수도 많았고, 다음으로 침지처리가 묘소질에 효과적이었다. 분지의 발생은 침지처리구 보다는 적하처리구의 유묘가 삽수와 가까운 지점에서 발생하였다. 평삽이 사삽과 직삽에 비하여 신초의 발생이 약 1주일 빨랐고 신초의 발생도 3주 이후부터 6주까지 급격하게 증가하는 경향이었는데, 삽식 10주 후의 신초발생율은 약 96%로 가장 높았다. 평삽구의 묘가 약 40cm로써 가장 컸으며 평삽구의 묘가 약 40cm로써 가장 컸으며 제 1분지의 발생부위도 낮은 경향이었다. 평삽의 경우 각각 다른 부분에서 발생하는 2~3개의 신초를 각각 분리하여 하나의 묘목으로 생육시킴으로써 묘목의 대량증식에 효과적이었다.
Effects of BA treatment and cut planting methods on shooting and seedling characteristics were investigated to increase seedling products by cuttings of lacquer tree. Dipping on 1,000mg/L BA solution was better than dripping with same solution at 5 weeks after cut planting. As shooting rate was increased suddenly, it was 85% at 10 weeks after cut planting. Among 3 dripping treatments, interval was not effective on shooting rate. Dripping per 2 days with 100 ㎕ of 1,000 mg/L BA solution was most effective on seedling height and leaf number and than dipping was more effective than dripping per 5 and 7 days. Branch developed on near part from dripped scion. Shooting of horizontal planting was earlier about a week and rate was increased suddenly from 3 to 6 weeks, it was highest with 96% than others at 10 weeks after planting. Seedling of horizontal cut planting was tallest about 40cm and branch developed lower than vertical and oblique cut planting. In case of horizontal cut planting, 2-3 shoots were formed on different part of scion and than those were could divided to seedling, so horizontal cut planting was most effective to propagation of seedling than any others.
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