남부지방에서 황금의 맥후작 직파 재배시 재식밀도가 생육과 수량에 미치는 영향을 구명하여 적정재식 밀도를 확립 하고자 시험 한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 경장은 20×10cm의 밀식일수록 크고, 30×10cm, 40×l0cm의 소식일수록 짧아서 재식주수와 경장은 정의 상관이 인정 되었다. 2. 경직경은 30×l0cm, 40×l0cm의 소식일수록 크고 20×10cm의 밀식일수록 작았다. 3. 수량구성 요소인 주근장과 수량인 건근중은 30×l0cm, 40×10cm의 재식주수가 적을수록 높아서 재식주수와는 부의 상관이 인정되었다. 4. 이상과 같은 결과로 보아 경직경이 크고 주근장이 길어서 10a당 건근중이 많은 30×10cm(33주/㎡)가 알맞은 재식거리였다.
This study was investigated to find out the optimum planting densities of Scutellaria baicalensis George about growth characters, yield components and yield at 3 planting densities by direct sowing cultivated after barley. Stem length was long in dense planting of 20×l0cm and short in spacious planting of 30×l0cm and 40×10cm by direct sowing cultivated after barley. Stem diameter was thick in spacious planting of 30×10cm and 40×10cm and was thin in dense planting of 20×10cm by direct sowing cultivated after barley. Length and dry weight of root per plant were decreased in dense planting of 20× 10cm and were increased in spacious planting of 30×10cm and 40×10cm by direct sowing cultivated after barley. Yield of dry root was highest in optimum planting density(30×10cm:33 plants/㎡) by direct sowing cultivated after barley. The correlation coefficient between number of planting plant and stem length showed highly positive correlation. These characters of stem diameter, number of branches, main root length and yield of dry root mentioned above showed negative correlations with planting plants.
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