복령 균핵내 이물질 혼입 방지를 위하여 비닐, 부직포, 망사, 왕겨, 부엽토를 재배원목의 상하와 위, 아래 각각 피복한후 배양완성기간과 오염율, 균사밀도, 균핵 원기 형성기간, 수량, 이물질 생성정도를 조사한 결과, 왕겨, 부엽토, 비닐, 망사, 부직포순으로 좋았다. 왕겨를 피복하였을 경우, 관행에 비하여 배양 완성기간은 원목상하에 피복하였을 때 50일로서 관행에 비하여 5일 빨랐으며, 오염율은 관행의 경우 2%이나 왕겨 멀칭을 하였을때는 오염이 발생하지 않았다 균사밀도도 피복을 하였을 경우 현저히 좋았다. 균핵 원기 형성기간은 관행이 82일인데 비하여 피복시 62∼65일로선 17∼20일이 단축되었다. 수량은 관행 4.33Kg에 비하여 왕겨 상하 피복이 5.87kg으로 35.7% 증수, 상 피복이 5.62kg으로 29.8% 증수, 하 피복이 5.59kg으로 29.1% 증수되는 효과가 있었으며, 이물질 역시 피복시에는 나타나지 않았다. 복령 균핵내 이물질 혼입 방지를 위하여 재배원목 상하에 왕겨 피복에 의한 매몰깊이별 결령상태 및 품질의 영향을 조사한 결과, 매몰깊이가 20, 40, 60cm순으로 좋았다. 20cm매몰깊이에서 관행에 비하여 배양 완성기간은 5일 빨랐으며, 오염율은 관행의 경우 2%이나 오염이 발생하지 않았다. 균사밀도도 피복을 하였을 경우 현저히 좋았다. 균핵 원기 형성기간은 관행이 82일인데 비하여 62일로서 20일이 단축되었다.
Experiments were carried out to determine the effects of culturing conditions DCI(Day required for Colonization after Inoculation), CR(Contamination Rate), MD(Mycelial Density), DPI(Day required for Primordial sclerotia formation after Inoculation), yields, and degree of the foreign materials formations in Poria cocos sclerotia. The upper and bottom side of wood logs were covered with gauze, rice hull and floating leaves, vinyl, or covering cloth in order to prevent foreign material formations in p. cocos. The major results were positive in the order of rice hull, floating leaf, vinyl, gauze, and covering cloth covered and dwindled. In case of the upper and bottom sides of the wood logs covered with rice hull, DCI required 50 days more when compared with the control group(45 days) and CR was 0%, while the control group showed 2% CR. MD was excellent in case of conventional methods as against control s. DPI required 17~20 days less when compared with the control group(82 days). Yields of p. cocos in case of the upper and bottom side of wood logs covered with rice hull were 5.87kg, which is 35.7% higher than that of the control group(4.33kg), and 5.62kg in the case of upper sides cover only(increased by 29.8% compared with control), and 5.59kg in the case of bottom side cover only(increased by 29.1% compared with control), and foreign materials were none. In a separate experiment, where the upper and bottom sides of wood logs were covered with rice hull to prevent the foreign material formation, the results were as follows : Sclerotia formation status and quality of P. cocos were effective in the order of 20cm, 40cm, and 60cm of buring depth and dwindled. In 20cm of burying depth, DCI was shortened by 5 days and CR was none, while the control group showed 2% CR. MD was remarkably fine at the mulched conditions. DPI was shortened by 20 days when compared with the control(62 days).
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