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KCI등재 학술저널

태동고전연구소 소장 고문헌에 관한 소고

A Study on the Old Materials of the Taedong Center for Eastern Classics s Collections

DOI : 10.31408/tdicr.2020.45.189
  • 55

태동 소장 고문헌을 주제별, 판종별 특징과 중요자료 약 8종에 대하여 서지사항과 자료의 가치 등을 살펴보았다. 주제별로 살펴본 결과 경부 62종 444책(8%), 사부 147종 640책(20%), 자부 157종 605책(21%), 집부 374종 1,738책(51%)으로 절반이 집부인 문집류에 해당되는 것으로 나타났다. 판종별로 살펴보면, 목판본이 236종(32%), 필사본 142종(19%), 석판본 105종(14%), 신연활자본 103종(14%), 영인본 64종(9%), 금속활자본 48종(7%), 목활자본 24종(3%) 등으로 나타났다. 금속활자본은 무신자, 교서관인서체자, 전사자 등 13종류의 활자가 주로 사용된 것으로 추정된다. 중요자료 8종은 현존 수량이 적고, 기존의 비공개 자료로 연구 가치가 높아 후속 연구가 필요할 것이다.

This is a comprehensive review of 3,248 books of 740 species owned by the TAEDONG CENTER FOR EASTERN CLASSICS. According to each topic, the book was divided into 62 books of 444 books (8 percent), 147 books of 640 books (20 percent), 157 books of self-esteem 605 books (21 percent), and 374 books of 1,738 books (51 percent) According to the edition, 236 woodblock prints (32%), 142 manuscripts (19%), 105 stone tablets (14%), 103 new printed capital (14%), 64 metal types (9%), and 24 wood-printed capital (3%). It is estimated that 13 types of metal type were mainly used, including those of no believers, those of the royal library, and those who died in war dead. According to the study of eight important materials indcluding “sohakjibseol”, various types of type and old woodblock prints prior to the Japanese Invasion of Korea can help research on the types and documents of the early Joseon Dynasty, and the existing amount is very small, making them more valuable. This is Lim Chang-soon s personal library, which also provides insight into his bibliographic views and academic tendencies. Unfortunately, it is true that some of the materials are severely damaged and the preservation environment is poor, making it difficult to avoid further damage in the future. In this regard, it is imperative to provide national policy support for our records and cultural heritage along with the interest of the collection agency. In addition, I hope that the author s low insight will only mention the roughness of the data, reveal that there may be errors in classification and judgment identification, and that it can be corrected and supplemented through further research. It is also hoped that this cleanup project and the ongoing project to build the original text image will lead to active research in related fields of study by the TAEDONG CENTER FOR EASTERN CLASSICS.

1. 서론

2. 소장 고문헌의 개괄

3. 중요 고문헌

4. 결론
