최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

국가연구개발 데이터 관리제도의 도입 및 발전방향

Introduction and Development Direction of the National R&D Data Management System : Focusing on the “Data Management Plan(DMP)” System

  • 61

Various research data generated in the process of conducting R&D projects has been used not only as a means of verifying the rationality, appropriateness, and ethics of research results for a long time, but also as an important research resource for advanced convergence research activities. A data management policy that efficiently produces and manages research data and allows relevant researchers to access and utilize it has emerged as an important issue. In particular, research data generated from various R&D projects supported by public funding such as national R&D is treated as a central object of public disclosure, access, sharing and utilization policies on research results, and related systems have been established and implemented at the national level. One of the important institutional means is the R&D Data Management Plan(DMP) for promoting public R&D projects. The R&D Data Management Plan refers to a comprehensive management plan for various research data collected, produced, managed, and utilized in various ways in relation to R&D tasks carried out by the researchers themselves. Data management plans are usually established and managed in relation to the implementation of public R&D projects conducted by the state, and are prepared and implemented according to certain legal grounds, and are promoted as part of R&D performance management or R&D information management policies. In this study, the institutional meaning and contents of the national R&D data management plan, which is regarded as the core institutional basis for the establishment of the national science and technology research data management and utilization system, is investigated, and the legal maintenance and operation status of major countries and Korean DMP systems. After examining the problems in legislative and legal interpretation of the current system, the improvement directions for the continuous operation and development of the national DMP system were reviewed.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 데이터관리계획(DMP)의 의미와 내용

Ⅲ. 해외의 DMP 제도 도입 및 운영 사례

Ⅳ. 우리나라의 DMP 제도 도입 현황

Ⅴ. DMP 제도 운영의 문제점 및 발전방향

Ⅵ. 맺음말
