최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

1970년대 한국노총의 공장새마을운동 전개양상과 특징

A Study on the Development Phase and Characteristics of Factory Saemaeul Movement Performed by Federation of Korean Trade Unions in 1970s.

  • 131

The purpose of this study is to discuss the development and characteristics of Factory Saemaeul Movement(Factory new village movement) in the era of Park Chung-Hee administration. President Park intended to spread Saemaeul Movement in urban and rural areas for the purpose of maintaining his Yushin Regime. The focus of the movement was put to boost productivity in its early stage. Factory Saemaeul Movement aimed to make special labor relations for Koreans by fulfilling the rationalization of management and cooperation of capital and labor. So-called ‘special labor relations for Koreans’ was invented ideological device to dilute the conflict between capital and labor. Factory Saemaeul Movement was launched in June, 1973, which was controlled by the government. It was performed according to President Park’s advocacy to spread Saemaeul Movement across the nation in February and March of 1972. Federation of Korean Trade Unions(FKTU) already began to promote Factory Saemaeul Movement one year earlier than the government-led movement. FKTU turned its back on labor’s interests under the slogan of harmony between labor and capital. It resulted in paralyzing labor movement of FKTU. In addition to that, FKTU strengthened the Yushin Regime by implanting firm solidarity for the state, internalization of Yushin ideology, and strong sense of national securty in worker’s mind in the Factory Saemaeul Movement education. Meanwhile, there was conflict between FKTU and religious missions regarding the promotion of Factory Saemaeul Movement. Some trade unions, which had connection with religious missions including Urban Industrial Mission(UIM), had no adequate policy toward Factory Saemaeul Movement until the middle of 1970s. It seemed that they indicated critical stance around Factory Saemaeul Movement after the middle of 1970s. As a result, it seemed that the opposition and conflict between two forces deepened around that time. FKTU gradually began to point out the problems in Factory Saemaeul Movement in the latter part of 1976. It intended to correct the troubles by presenting ‘Essential Points for Promotion’ in 1977. However, FKTU intended to solve the problems, by adopting some mpderate policy, like suggestion of petition instead of united struggle. Therefore, FKTU failed to motivate workers in general. Also FKTU couldn’t protect workers from being forced to sacrifice in Factory Saemaeul Movement, which was resulted from structural defects of the movement. FKTU followed state corporatism so unconditionally, which was inherent in the ideology of Factory Saemaeul Movement, that it couldn’t function as the central organizations among trade unions to figure out the confrontational industrial relations. It proves that FKTU made labor movement helpless as the Park regime intended to dilute the discontent of working class by subordinating labor movement to Factory Saemaeul Movement.

1. 머리말

2. 공장새마을운동 추진목적과 한국노총의 정책적 지지

3. 한국노총의 공장새마을운동 전개양상과 특징

4. 맺음말

