최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

조선의 불평등조약체체 편입에 관여한 영국외교관의 활동과 그 의의(1882~1884)

The Activities of British Diplomats in Connection with the Incorporation of Korea into Unequal Treaties System and Its Meaning

  • 101

The purpose of this study is to investigate the activities of British diplomats in East Asia who took part in the Korean affairs before and after the conclusion of the treaty between Korea and Britain in 1883. First, British diplomats played a crucial role that German Government didn’t ratify the treaty with Korea and decided to work with Britain to conclude new treaty. They reported on the refusal on the treaty with Korea from the viewpoint of applying the Unequal Treaties in China and Japan to Korea. British Foreign Office delivered their reports to German Foreign Office, thereby Britain was able to accomplish the cooperation with German Government which was designed with the rejection on the proposed treaty with Korea in 1882. Furthermore, they performed an important role in the process on making the draft treaty and negotiations for British and German Government. As s result, British and German Government were able to conclude new treaties with Korea and Korea was enrolled into the system of Unequal Treaties in East Asia. Second, British diplomats performed their duties from the viewpoint of the application of the treaty. They made a field investigation in Korea from 1882 to 1883 in order to apply the treaty in Korea. After the ratification of treaty, British diplomats in Korea could apply the contents of treaty in Korea on the basis of the actual survey. British cooperation with German, a field investigation in Korea, and British diplomat’s activities for applying the treaty with Korea mentioned above were similar to the process that Britain had accomplish Unequal Treaties in China and Japan. After the Opium War, British diplomats applied the treaties in China on the basis of collection the information there. This helped that Britain established the foundation for expansion of market and regular exchange in China. In the process, However, China resisted the British policy on applying Unequal Treaties, China were forced to surrender according as Britain worked with other western powers. So, Britain was able to expand her political and economic influence in China. This situation appeared similarly to Japan. In conclusion, It was Korea where Britain repeated the process on the application of Unequal Treaties system in China and Japan. British diplomats performed their duties in Korea to increase the exchange of goods between Korea and Britain. However, British policy on Korea, from Korean point of view, was the medium of aggression by foreign powers easily. This made Korea be incorporated into the Unequal Treaties system in East Asia. British diplomats who had establish the Unequal Treaties system took the lead in it in Korea.

1. 머리말

2. 조영조약 비준안 거부를 위한 영국과 독일의 공조

3. 현지답사를 통한 조약 운용의 제반 사항 조사

4. 조영조약 비준 이후 조약의 운용을 위한 외교활동

5. 맺음말

