최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

중국 계획출산정책과 법의 문제점 및 개선방향

Problems and Improvement Directions of China’s Family Planning Policy and Law

  • 44

Population policy is a measure taken against the population problem based on a certain population theory. Fertility policy is a fundamental part of population policy. China’s family planning policy can be evaluated as a public policy that was very important in all policies implemented by the CCP since 1949, and had a very serious impact on future generations. China’s family planning policy has gone through three stages: 1950-1979, 1980-2012, and 2013-present. The decisive factor in the content of these three steps is the government’s ideology. The first step is a step that puts emphasis on revolution and development at the same time, and at this stage, the slogans “self-regulation” and “late first childbirth, longer intervals between births, fewer children” were proposed. The second stage is a stage that emphasizes development only, and it was strictly enforced by promulgating the “one family, one child” policy. The third step, under the background of a pluralistic policy, the third step, under the background of a pluralistic policy, released the strict “one family, on child” planned birth policy, and started implementing the “on family, one child” policy. China’s family planning policy has been debated form the outset. In particular, he explained that the current population policy has not been adapted to the development of the country due to the lack of workforce, aging population, and low birthrate in the last 10 years. The “one family, two children” population restriction policy currently in place in China needs to be immediately shifted toward promoting the population. The government need several decades of planning and legislation related to childbirth promotion, tax incentives for families, legislation related to the establishment of kindergartens, concrete of compulsory education, guarantee of retirement, and public housing. The last part of the main text is a review of the abortion issue for the abolition of legislation related to family planned to guarantee birth rights, women’s self- determination related to abortion surgery, and protection of the rights of infants, and part of the childbirth promotion policy to ensure the right to education for children. With the establishment and operation of public and private kindergartens and elementary school, support for families with disabilities, legislation on preparing for and elderly society with low birth rates, childbirth incentives to promote childbirth, child incentives tax reduction system, and relations between the public and the government, discuss the 7 issues and raised improvement plan.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 중국 인구구조의 현황

Ⅲ. 중국의 계획출산과 관련된 정책과 입법

Ⅳ. 중국 계획출산정책과 법의 문제점

Ⅴ. 중국 계획출산정책과 법의 개선방향

Ⅵ. 맺음말
