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KCI등재 학술저널

초진시 사시각에 따른 굴절조절내사시의 임상양상

Clinical Features of Refractive Accommodative Esotropia According to the Initial Angle of Esodeviation

목적: 굴절조절내사시의 초진 시 사시각에 따른 임상양상에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 대상과 방법: 1년 이상 경과관찰한 굴절조절내사시 환자 52명을 대상으로 초진 시 사시각에 따라 발병연령, 안경착용 시작 연령, 굴절이상, 부등시, 약시 동반 및 굴절이상의 변화를 분석하였다. 결과: 초진 시 사시각은 원거리 평균 25.42 PD (10∼60 PD), 근거리 26.23 PD (10∼60 PD)이었고 원거리 사시각이 20 PD 미만 13명(25%), 20 PD 이상 40 PD 미만 30명(57.7%), 40 PD 이상 9명(17.3%)이었다. 발병연령은 평균 30.26개월(출생 직후∼7.5세)이었다. 발병연령은 사시각이 20 PD 미만일 때 평균 48.00개월, 20 PD 이상 40 PD 미만이 27.45개월, 40 PD 이상이 15.89개월로 사시각이 클수록 어린 나이에 발병하였다. 연평균 0.47 D의 원시가 감소하였으며 사시각에 따른 유의한 연간 원시 감소량의 차이는 없었다. 결론: 굴절조절내사시에서 사시각이 클수록 어린 나이에 발병하는 임상양상을 보여 내사시의 진단 및 치료 시 유의해야 하겠다.

Purpose: To evaluate clinical features in patients with refractive accommodative esotropia according to the initial angle of esodeviation Methods: A total of 52 patients enrolled in retrospective study of refractive accommodative esotropia had been followed for at least 1 year. Several clinical characteristics were evaluated including age at onset, age when spectacles prescribed, cycloplegic refraction, angle of deviation, presence of amblyopia, change of refractive error during the follow-up period. Each finding were analyzed according to initial angle of deviation Results: At initial visit, mean angle of esodeviation was 25.42 PD (10∼60 PD) at distance and 26.23 PD (10∼ 60 PD) at near fixation. Of 52 patients, 13 (25%) patients had esodeviation of <20 PD, 30 (57.7%) had ≥20 PD and <40 PD and 9 (17.3%) had ≥40 PD. The mean age at onset was 30.26 months (birth∼7.5 years). Age at onset was 48.00 months in patients with esodeviation of <20 PD, 27.45 months in ≥20 PD and <40 PD, 15.89 months in ≥40 PD. The more the angle of deviation increased, the earlier the refractive accommodative esotropia developed. After the mean follow-up period of 41.4 months, reduction of hyperopia was 0.47 D per year. There was no significant difference of annual reduction of hyperopia according to angle of deviation. Conclusions: The more the angle of deviation increased, the earlier the refractive accommodative esotropia developed. It might be considered in diagnosis and treating refractive accommodative esotropia.

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