최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

난독증과 얼렌증후군

Dyslexia and Meres-Irlen Syndrome

  • 39

Meares-Irlen syndrome (MIS) is characterized by symptoms of eye strain, headache and visual perceptual distortions during viewing text. The symptoms of MIS and visual stress are non-specific and the condition needs to be differentially diagnosed from other ocular conditions, such as refractive error, binocular abnormality and accommodative problems. Deficit of magnocellular system and cortical excitation have been suggested as causes of MIS. MIS and primary dyslexia are separate entities and are treated in different ways. The symptoms are alleviated with individually prescribed colored tinted lens, such as MISViS filters. However, there is a controversy of presence of MIS, further long-term studies are needed to investigate pathophysiology of MIS and prove effectiveness of tinted lens on MIS.

서 론

원 인

일차 난독증(primary dyslexia)과 얼렌증후군(Meares-Irlen syndrome)

과연 얼렌증후군은 존재하는가?

진단과 치료

결 론

