최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


On the Inheritance and Development of Shehuo in the Process of Modernization : Take Shehuo in Shaanxi Province as an Example

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2020.73.73.31
  • 5


China has a vast territory and a large population, and the content of traditional folk culture is extremely rich. Social fire is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. There are many kinds, forms and rich contents of social fire in Shaanxi Province, which is an important representative of Chinese social fire. Maintaining and inheriting Shaanxi Shehuo folk culture is conducive to promoting cultural construction and cultural diversity, and promoting the construction of China’s harmonious society. In recent years, due to the development of China s modernization process, Shaanxi Shehuo has been faced with many problems, such as the loss of Shehuo art, the fault of inheritance, the imbalance of structure, and the extinction of some Shehuo culture. In this paper, a large number of historical materials and modern scholars’ research are summarized, and the “inheritor” problem of Shehuo is deeply discussed in the form of comparison, and some suggestions are put forward for the development and inheritance of Shehuo in Shaanxi Province:First of all, break through the constraints of time and region in the performance, and then, learn from foreign experience in the inheritance and development of folk culture. Finally, the feasibility of the community fire culture into the campus is explored.

1. 绪论

2. 陕西社火概述

3. 社火在现代化过程中的发展

4. 社火在现代化过程中的传承

5. 结论

