최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

宋代 문헌 속 육고기의 문화상징 연구

A Study on the cultural Symbols of Meat in Song Dynasty

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2020.73.73.30
  • 24

文化는 사회의 발전을 이끄는 ‘소프트 파워’라고 일컬어지지만 물질적 토대와 정치적 변화로부터 온전히 홀로 설 수 없다. 中國 宋代 목축업과 조리기술의 발달은 양고기를 중심으로 한 독특한 육식문화를 만들어내었고, 이는 신분과 계급의 상승이라는 무거운 상징성을 가지게 되었다. 이에 반해, 돼지고기는 저급한 식재료에서 식문화의 중요한 위치로 점차 받아들여져 신분·지역을 아우르는 문화우월감의 상징이 되었다. 본 논문은 宋代 육식문화의 발달과정을 문헌에서부터 살펴보고, 이를 통해 당시 육고기에 대한 인식 변화와 문화 상징성을 고찰한 것이다.

The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, the development of the China Song Dynasty(宋代) s meat culture, represented by Lamb and Pork, is based on the stories in various literature, and secondly, the search for related documents to examine the change of perception that each class had and cultural symbolism of meat at that time, which was represented by Lamb and Pork. Culture is referred to as the soft power that drives the development of society, but cannot help but be influenced by the political and economic situation of the era, as it cannot stand alone entirely from material foundation and political change. The development of the livestock farming and cooking techniques in the Song Dynasty, China, has created a unique carnivorous culture centering on lamb, a limited food ingredient that only the ruling class could enjoy, and this has become a heavy symbol of the rise of status and class, coupled with the ostentatious cultivation of the intellectuals and their incorporation into the power structure. Surrounded by the silk of the imperial family and aristocrats, the mutton, which had no choice but to lay down this heavy symbolism in the abyss of the war. At first, Pork was dismissed as a low-grade food ingredient, but as the stage of history and politics gradually moved from the Song Dynamic to the Southern Song Dynamic, it created a new branch of food culture in the station. It is a symbol of cultural superiority that embraces pork as an important place of food culture from the ruling imperial family and the knowledge class, and makes it a branch of the entire food culture beyond status and region.

1. 들어가는 말

2. 양고기: 계급을 가진 육고기

3. 돼지고기: 계급을 넘은 육고기

4. 나오는 말

