최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


The Image of “Ocean” in Li Bai’s Fifty-nine Ancient Style Poems

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2020.73.73.22
  • 10


The image of “Ocean” in Li Bai’s poems is mostly constructed from the external images of the ocean and his inner emotional images to show the beauty of “words beyond the meaning”. Some of Li Bai’s poems about “ocean” were written near the ocean based on his feeling, but most of them were about “virtual ocean”, which was the illusory ocean in his mind through bold imagination and exaggeration based on the allusions. Some of them expressed his depression or his perception about life, or expressed his feelings through allusions and the ocean of immortals. The image of the ocean in his works was just like himself. From this point of view, the image of the ocean is more like “materialized poet himself”. While describing and expressing the ocean, the poet was more like expressing himself. Li Bai sighed in his The 35th Ancient Style Poem that “Thinking of Emperor Wen of Zhou Dynasty in reading Taiga, and the influence of Song have collapsed for a long time. On the principle of style and creation, Li Bai inherited the “self” in Li Sao and the “elegance”, “beauty” and “reality” spirits of the Book of Songs. Therefore, this paper takes the text of Fifty-nine Ancient Style Poems as the subject, and starting from the “image of the ocean” involved in it, analyzes the poet’s inner feelings and inner mind through the “image of the ocean”.

1. 绪论

2. 《古风五十九首》的海意象

3. 《古风五十九首》中海意象之审美特色

4. 结语

