Han Feizi was part of the Legalist school and a thinker who brought together i ts great achievements. His understanding of the Legalist and Taoist schools is refl ected in both his foundation and political experience. This study examines the si gnificance of his thought from two chapters in the Han Feizi, “Jie Lao”(解老) and “Yu Lao”(喻老). The author first analyzes the meaning in the Han Feizi and the La ozi, and then analyzes the meaning in “Jie Lao”(解老) and “Yu Lao”(喻老). It can be seen from comparison that Han Feizi s understanding of Laozi s thought is bia sed towards the philosophy described in the Dejing, which led to the formation of many academic thoughts later on.
1. 前言
2. 韓非子〈解老〉篇涵義解析
3. 韓非子〈喻老〉篇涵義之概述
4. 結論