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KCI등재 학술저널

현대중국어 客套语 교육 현황 고찰

A Study on the Current Status of Modern Chinese Polite Greetings Education

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2020.73.73.17
  • 36

본 논문은 현대중국어 客套语의 활용현황과 특징을 고찰하였다. 중국어 교육 내에서 특히 비즈니스 중국어 학습자들에게 필요한 부분이라고 판단되어, 비즈니스 목적의 중국어 교재에 수록된 客套语의 제시 상황을 분석하였다. 비즈니스 화행에 따라 안부 및 소개, 부탁 및 요청, 사과 및 양해 구하기, 감사, 접대 및 선물하기로 분류하였다. 주요 고찰 결과와 시사점을 토대로 향후 연구에서는 등급별, 수준별 교육 내용과 방안을 논의할 계획이다. 관련 후속 연구가 활발히 이어져 한층 더 효과적인 客套语 교육 방법이 마련되어 중국어 교육 현장에 활용되길 기대한다.

The purpose of this study is to analyze various modern Chinese polite greetings and their characteristics, and to find educational contents and plans that can be applied to Chinese language education based on the analysis results. This study also aims at examining how and to what extent education on polite greetings is being carried out in an actual Chinese language education. Previous studies have mainly focused on identifying the differences between 客气话, 客气词语, and polite greetings, and categorizing them by use according to their definitions and other criteria. This study all the categories suggested in previous studies were included in the analysis made in this study. This study considered that polite expression education is an essential part in Chinese language education, especially for business Chinese learners. Therefore, the study comprehensively analyzed the contents related to polite greetings contained in Chinese textbooks for business purposes and the dialogue situations in which they are used. For the analysis of the example sentences used in the textbooks, the examples were classified into the categories of “give regards and introduce,” “ask and request,” “apologize and request for understanding,” “express gratitude,” “congratulate and praise,” and “present a gift” based on the business speech act. The major findings and their implications are as follows. First, most of the textbooks presented only the meanings of the words in a brief way, without explaining their significance and characteristics as polite greetings. Second, while 『现代汉语词典』 does not include any indications of polite greetings, some words or expressions that meet the conditions of polite greetings were found when taking into account pragmatic factors such as the situations and purposes of dialogue and the relationships of the communicators. Third, most of the social greetings have corresponding expressions as responses. These expressions are included in a broader scope of polite greetings. In this context, regardless of whether a polite greeting has a typical response or not, if there is an expression usually used together with a polite greeting, it is desirable to present both for the convenience of learners. Fourth, if a word has more than two meanings, it is necessary to determine whether it is used as a polite greeting.

1. 연구 목적

2. 선행 연구 및 연구 방법

3. 활용 현황 및 특징

4. 논의 및 제언

5. 결론

