최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

현대중국어 ‘(不)一会儿’ 구문의 생성 조건과 기제 연구

A Study on the Generation Conditions and Mechanism of ‘(Bu) Yihuir’((不)一会儿) Construction in Modern Chinese

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2020.73.73.16

본고에서는 주관성을 기저로 ‘一会儿’과 ‘不一会儿’ 구문의 생성조건을 분석하여 두 구문의 차이를 살펴보았는데, ‘一会儿’은 객관량과 주관대량 및 주관소량을 나타내고, ‘不一会儿’은 주관소량만을 나타내며 주관성이 더 강조된다. 그 중 ‘不’는 주관정태표지사로 작용할 뿐만 아니라 두 구문 사이에 양의 등급성을 구현한다. 나아가 ‘不一会儿’ 구문의 주관성 획득 과정 및 부정표지사가 여전히 구문에 존재하는 내부 원인을 분석해 보았다. ‘(不)一会儿’ 구문은 전체는 부분을 우선한다는 인지적 현저성을 근거로 잉여부정구문으로 부호화된 구문 전체를 우선 지각한 다음 구성소로서 부정표지사의 정보를 지각하고 선택 배치한다. 이때 구문 내 부정표지사 ‘不’의 주관성이 강요되며, ‘不’는 주관소량의 표지사로서 구문의 표의에는 어떠한 변화도 생기지 않은 채 문장의 표면에 명시되어 화자의 강한 주관정태를 전달함을 알 수 있었다.

This paper examines the characteristics and generation conditions of ‘(bu)yihuir[(不)一会儿]’ constructions and the generation mechanism of buyihuir construction. Both ‘yihuir’ construction and ‘buyihuir’ construction indicate the affirmative sense irrespective of the existence of the negative marker ‘bu’, which is morphologically recognized as a redundant constituent. However, there occur situations where the ‘buyihuir’ construction is restricted by some syntactic conditions and is not interchangeable with the ‘yihuir’, which proves indirectly the existence of differences between the two constructions. Hence, differences between the two constructions were examined by analyzing the generation conditions of the two constructions on the basis of their underlying subjectivity. As a result, it was found that ‘yihuir’ signifies objective quantity and large subjective quantity and small subjective quantity, while ‘buyihuir’ only signifies small subjective quantity. ‘Buyihuir’ emphasizes more the subjectivity of ‘a shorter time than expected by a speaker’, compared with ‘yihuir’. Of it, ‘bu’ implements the gradability of quantity between the two constructions, as well as acts as a subjective modality marker, and the time represented by ‘buyihuir’ is short than ‘yihuir’. Further, the resolution of meaning clash between the affirmative meaning of ‘buyihuir’ construction and the negative meaning of the negative marker, the process of acquiring subjectivity, and the internal cause that the negative marker still exists in the construction were interpreted in terms of coercion and prominence. The whole construction codified unconsciously as a redundant negative construction is perceived first on the grounds of cognitive prominence that the whole takes priority over parts, and then information on the negative marker as a constitutive is perceived and arranged selectively; at this time, the negative marker within the construction is coerced into subjectivity, and ‘bu’, as a marker of subjective small quantity, is specified on the surface of the sentence without any change in the semantic representation of the construction, accordingly delivering the strong subjective modality of the speaker and also generating the effects of surprise or exclamation at the same time.

1. 서론

2. ‘(不)一会儿’ 구문의 특징

3. ‘(不)一会儿’ 구문의 생성조건

4. ‘不一会儿’ 구문의 생성기제

5. 결론

