본고는 龍崗秦簡 제1간부터 제10간까지의 내용에 대해 기존의 연구 성과를 토대로 하여 해독을 시도하였으며, 쟁점이 되는 부분에는 상세한 주석을 덧붙이고 고찰을 진행하였다. 주석 작업에 里耶秦簡과 岳麓書院藏秦簡 등 용강진간 이후에 발굴된 최신 秦문자 자료를 적극 활용하였으며, 판독에 어려움이 있는 글자에 대해서는 관련 秦문자와의 자형 비교를 진행해 보다 정확한 考釋에 도움이 되고자 하였다. 용강진간 제1간에서 제10간까지의 내용은 禁苑과 관련된 법률에 대한 기록이다. 금원은 皇家의 가축과 식물들을 기르고 관리하던 정원으로 일반인들의 출입이 엄격히 통제되었다. 따라서 하수도로 몰래 드나들거나 출입증 없이 관문을 지나가면 斬止라는 무거운 형벌에 처해졌으며, 공문서의 관리 역시 엄격한 규정 속에서 이루어졌던 것으로 보인다.
This study presents the translation of the first to tenth Longgang Qin Bamboo Strips into Korean based on the findings of preceding studies, along with annotations on the issues worthy of further discussion and related considerations. Longgang Qin Bamboo Strips 1 to 10 contain records about laws related to palace gardens, which can be summarized as follows. A palace garden was a place where livestock and plants belonging to the imperial family were raised and managed, and access by the general public to the garden was prohibited. Therefore, actions such as trespassing on a palace garden through the surrounding sewers, entering it without a valid pass, or forging and borrowing such a pass were considered serious crimes and sentenced to heavy punishments including cutting off the left foot. In addition, all those who needed to enter a palace garden for public affairs had to send an official letter to the competent departments of prefectural and provincial government offices to request entrance to the garden, and the documents sent to these offices must be escalated to higher level agencies. When one enters a palace garden for document delivery or public affairs, he would go through a verification process of the relevant documents, and was required to wear a plaque marked “入司馬門久”‘ while in the garden. In this way, access by the general public to palace gardens was managed in a very strict and restrictive manner. This study analyzed the letters and vocabulary used in Longgang Qin Bamboo Strips by taking full advantage of Qin character documents unearthed after the discovery of Longgang Qin Bamboo Strips such as Liye Qin Bamboo Strips and Qin Bamboo Strips Collected in Yuelu Academy. By collecting and comparing a large amount of Qin character forms, this study also performed a meaningful analysis on the characters that could not be clearly traced back in Longgang Qin Bamboo Strips or pairs of the characters that were difficult to interpret due to similar forms such as 池 (chí) and 事 (shì) in Strip 1, 闌 (lán) in Strip 2, 襲 (xí) and 人 (rén) and 入 (rù) in Strip 4, 佩 (pèi) in Strip 5, 傳 (chuán) in Strip 9, and 作 (zuò) in Strip 10. Based on the appearance pattern of “黔首” (qiánshǒu) in the strips, this study also found a clue to dating the creation of these strips. In addition, it was confirmed that the passages “襲人符傳” (xírénfúzhuàn) and “入門衛木久” (rùménwèimùjiǔ) contained in Longgang Qin Bamboo Strips are also included in Zhangjiashang Han Bamboo Strips. This serves as a good example showing that the Han Dynasty inherited the legal system of the Qin Dynasty. It is expected that this study will be followed by continuous annotation work and studies on Longgang Qin Bamboo Strips and more in-depth research on the strips will be conducted in the future.
1. 들어가는 말
2. 龍崗秦簡 소개와 연구 현황
3. 第1~10簡의 해독과 주석
4. 나가는 말