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KCI등재 학술저널

집합건물 관리제도 현안에 관한 민사법적 고찰

A study on the improvement direction of the aggregate building management system

DOI : 10.18189/isicu.2020.27.3.245
  • 65

공동주택을 포함하는 집합건물이 증가함에 따라 그에 상응하는 법적 분쟁도 증가하고 있는 가운데, 본 논문은 공동주택 및 집합건물의 관리와 관련하여 발생하고 있는다양한 법적 쟁점 중에서 다음과 같은 몇 가지 문제점들을 중심으로 검토하였다. 먼저, 집합건물 관리의 현실화를 위한 집합건물법의 임차인이 제한적으로 집합건물의 관리에직접 참여할 수 있도록 하여 집합건물에 실제로 거주하거나 점포를 운영하는 임차인등의 점유자가 스스로 비용을 부담하는 관리 사항에 있어 구분소유자를 대신하여 관리단 집회에서 직접의결권을 행사할 수 있도록 하고 있는 집합건물에서의 임차인의 의결권의 확장에 관한 법 개정의 추이를 중심으로 살펴보았으며, 이로 인한 실무적 견해를밝히었다. 그리고, 집합건물에서의 공동의 이익과 소유권의 제약에 관한 논리, 그리고소유권이 전통적으로 지니고 있는 전면적 지배권과 배타성 등의 충돌 등에 관하여 집합건물법의 태도를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 집합건물의 규모와 용도에 따라 관리방식에차이가 있게 마련으로 소유와 관리를 분리하는 체제와 용도와 규모에 맞는 차별화된관리방법상에 관한 규정을 마련해야만 한다. 현대사회는 도시형 사회로의 발전 및 전환은 용도가 서로 다른 대형화 및 복합화된 건물의 새로운 집합건물을 일률적으로 관리하고 규율할 수 있는 제도적 관리 장치가 마련되어야 한다. 이는 집합건물의 안전성과 체계적이고 효율적인 관리의 목적을 이룰 수가 있기 때문이다. 구분소유자들의 자율성을 유지하면서도 건물이 효율적으로 관리될 수 있도록 보다 구체화 된 기틀이 집합건물법에 마련되어야 할 것이다.

In Korea, since the late 1970s, the demand for multi-unit housing has increased rapidly due to the economic development and urban concentration of the population, and the demand for agregate buildings such as apartments, commercial buildings, and multi-purpose apartments has increased mainly in metropolitan areas. Building types are diversifying in acordance with the aceleration of changes in the social environment while buildings for simple use such as multi-unit houses, apartments, and commercial buildings are being more complicated acording to the neds of the urban development, consumer demands, segmentation, enlargement, smartification, and intelectualization. This paper provides an overview of the agregate building law legislation that is established regarding the ownership and management of agregate buildings while in particular, the management groups, managers, asemblies and their resolutions, regulations, and commercial industry restrictions that are most interested in practical practice are described comprehensively. this paper describes the concept, system, and history of agregate buildings. In particular, it covers the main contents of the fourth amendment (December 18, 2012), which was the largest revision since the enactment in 1983. The fourth amendment is to improve and maintain the provisions for liability for defects in agregate buildings that have ben interpreted as a mater of interpretation in relation to the Housing Act, and to expand opportunities for residents to participate in the building management proces, for instance, having tenants and others at a meting of the management group under certain conditions to exercise voting rights. and so forth while it specificaly analyzes the establishment and operation of agregate building dispute mediation commite composed of experts from each city and province as a way to quickly and eficiently resolve disputes over agregate buildings. In addition, research was conducted on the establishment and concept of partitioned ownership. the management group and managers were examined as the management subjects of the agregate building. In addition, the concept, scope, and efect of the management regulations were considered while in particular, the legal nature of the commercial management regulations was examined in detail, and what was the cause of the dispute with the self-governing laws regulated by the shopping district management group, co-op of shopkepers, and others was analyzed. on several legal problems that arise in relation to the management of agregate buildings and multi-unit apartments. In the first section, the amendments to the agregate building law for the realization of agregate building management are intended to alow tenants to participate in the limited management of the agregate building. In the past, considering that tenants or renters who are not the owners of the agregate buildings are not given the authority to participate in the decision-making proces necesary for the management of the agregate buildings, the ocupants including tenants could also idealy participate in the management group meting regarding the management of the public sector, the appointment of a manager or a member of the management commite, and exercise voting rights on behalf of the partitioned owners in maters related to ordinary management that pays for themselves, thereby enhancing the interests of tenants, such as tenants who actualy live in or operate stores in order to make the management of the building more robust and to facilitate the normal management of the agregate building. In addition, if the partitioned owner does not expres his/her intention to exercise the voting rights regarding the appointment of the manager or the management commite, the tenant may exercise the voting rights to participate in the appointment of the management and management commite members.

Ⅰ. 글을 시작하며

Ⅱ. 집합건물에 관한 일반론

Ⅲ. 집합건물 관리에 있어서의 현재 쟁점

Ⅳ. 결론
