최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


An Attempted Elucidation on Master Zhu’s Interpretation of the Sentence of Seeking the Lost Mind in Mencius

  • 15

《孟子·告子上》一章的主要目的是指点人如何认识并保存道德本心, 因此「学问之道无他,求其放心而已」一句的意思应该是指认识、保存道德本心是学问的唯一方法。 朱子在诠释《孟子》「求放心」句时,则有意避免这样的解释。 他努力将诠释的重心转移到「学问」上,他区分「学问之事」与「学问之道」,反对学问「只有求心一事」,而认为学问的内容应该包含读书讲学,学问思辨笃行,格物穷理致知诚意修身,应事接物等丰富的内容,这些活动「皆所以求放心」。这样他就为孟子的这句话注入了丰富的学问内容,避免了只求本心可能带来的禅学化倾向。此外,朱子是在主敬、致知的工夫框架下,结合《大学》的义理结构来诠释《孟子》「求放心」一句的内涵。

The Upper Chapter of Gaozi in Mencius focuses mainly on making people enlightened about the original moral mind, thus the sentence that there is no other way of learning except seeking one’s lost mind signify that knowing and preserving the moral mind is the only way of Learning. However when Master Zhu is interpreting the sentence, he tries to avoid such understanding. He turned his attention to the term “learning” .He makes the difference between “the things of learning” and “the way of learning” and objects that learning covers “seeking the lost mind as the only thing”, and considers the content of learning is very comprehensive including reading books, investigating things, extending the knowledge, sincerity in will, as well as dealing with affairs in one’s life, all of which are the activities whereby one seeks his moral mind. By this he attributes abundant content to this sentence in Mencius and avoids the possible tendency of Chanism which emphasizes wholly on the original mind. Besides, Master Zhu tries to interpret the implication of this sentence from his dual practices of holding fast to the seriousness and extending the knowledge, as well as the theoretical structure of the Great Learning.

一、 《孟子·告子上》的主旨及「求放心」句的本意

二、 朱子对心的看法

三、 朱子对孟子「求放心」的诠释

四、 结论

