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KCI등재 학술저널

대학부설 과학영재교육원 수학영재 선발과정과 학업성취도의 상관관계

Relationships between the Selection Process and Academic Achievements of Math Gifted Students at a Science Gifted Education Center Affiliated with University

DOI : 10.29306/jseg.2020.12.3.277
  • 19

본 연구는 교사 관찰·추천 및 수업관찰에 기반한 2단계 선발과정을 실시한 후, 과학영재교육원의 수학영재 선발과정의 타당성을 검증하고 향후 영재 선발전형을 위한 시사점을 탐색하는 데 목적을 두었다. 이를 위해 수학영재 선발과정의 단계별 평가항목 간 평가점수의 상관관계와, 수학영재의 입학 선발전형 평가점수와 과학영재교육원 재학 중 학업성취도 간의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 연구결과, 선발과정 1단계 서류심사, 2단계 수업관찰의 평가항목별 상관관계는 나타나지 않았다. 반면 최종합격자의 경우는 선발과정 단계별 평가항목별 점수와 과학영재교육원 재학 중 학업성취도와의 상관관계 분석에서 선발과정 1단계 교사추천서는 재학 중 학업성취도와 유의한(p<.05) 상관관계를 나타냈다. 선발과정 2단계 수업관찰의 평가점수는 과학영재교육원 재학 중 학업성취도와 상관관계를 나타내지 않았다. 결론적으로 대학부설 과학영재교육기관의 수학영재 선발과정에서는 교사추천서가 유의한 것으로 고찰되었다.

The purpose of this study was to verify the validity of the selection process for the gifted in mathematics at a science gifted education center affiliated with university and to explore the implications for the selection of gifted students in the future. Mathematics gifted students were selected by a two-step selection process based on teacher observation and recommendation and classroom observation. The correlation of scores for each evaluation item in each stage of the selection process was examined, and the correlation between the admission scores of the selection process and the academic achievement during enrollment at the science gifted education center was analyzed. As results, there was no correlation between the evaluation items of the first stage of the selection process and the second stage of the class observation, but in the case of the final successful group, the correlation between the scores of each evaluation item in each stage of the selection process and the academic achievement after admission to the science gifted education center. In the relationship analysis, among the evaluation items in the first stage of the selection process, the teacher recommendation letter showed a significant (p<.05) correlation. The evaluation score of the second-stage instructional observation in the selection process did not show a correlation with academic achievement during enrollment at the science gifted education center. In conclusions, it showed that the teacher recommendation letter was one of the significant factors in the selection process for the gifted in mathematics at the science gifted education center affiliated with university.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경

Ⅲ. 연구방법

Ⅳ. 연구결과

Ⅴ. 결론

