최근 검색어 전체 삭제

연안침식 대응을 위한 연안정비사업에 관한 고찰

Consideration on Coastal Maintenance Projects to Respond to Coastal Erosion in Korea

DOI : 10.22714/SFO.2020.29.2.6
  • 73

In Korea, coastal erosion in Korea gradually increases the intensity of typhoons and high waves such as swells on the coast due to climate changes such as sea level rises and sea water temperature rises. In addition, due to maintenance projects such as dam, dike and river embankment construction, the amount of sand that flows from river to coast is decreasing. Coastal erosion is accelerating due to imbalances in sand budget. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the current situation and outcomes of coastal erosion response. In particular, detailed current status, problems and improvement plans were reviewed for each stage of coastal maintenance project planning, design and construction, and monitoring, feedback management, and effective erosion countermeasures were suggested.

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결과 및 고찰

