최근 검색어 전체 삭제

4차산업혁명 시대의 미국, 중국, 한국의 핀테크 비교연구

A Comparative Study on Fintech in the United States, China, and Republic of Korea in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

DOI : 10.22142/atrm.2021.5.1.1
  • 674

Fintech, a fusion of finance and technology, is emerging as the fourth industrial revolution develops. Fintech has become a new innovation in finance. In line with this international environment, global ICT companies are entering the financial industry focusing on mobile payment and remittance, and they are showing different aspects by country. Policy authorities are showing positive support for ICT companies based on their understanding of the rapidly changing financial industry. Following this background, this study analyzed business models for leading ICT companies in the United States, China, and South Korea. It also identified the current status of consumers use through a survey of fintech services by ICT companies. Finally, Fintech identified problems encountered in developing and described the direction of development in terms of industry and companies as a strategy to cope with them.


Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 기본 개념 및 선행연구

Ⅲ. 핀테크기업 비즈니스모델 연구

Ⅳ. ICT기업 핀테크 서비스 실태조사

Ⅴ. 핀테크 발전 장애요인 및 발전방향

Ⅵ. 요약 및 시사점

