부산 배산성지 1호 집수지 축조 공정으로 본 신라 원형 석축집수지 설계원리와 의미
Design Principle and Meaning of the Silla Circular Stone-walled Water Collect in Busan Baesan Fortress No.1 Water Collect Building Process
산성은 적의 공격을 방어하기 위해 목책·토루·석축 등으로 산의 정상부나 사면에 쌓은 성을 말한다. 산성 내(內) 에는 집수시설, 저장고, 건물 등의 부속시설을 갖추고 있다. 그중 집수시설은 집수지·저수조·우물 등 다양한 형태로축조된다. 집수시설 중 집수지는 식용수·생활용수로뿐만 아니라 소방용수·성벽붕괴방지용 집수의 기능도 가지고 있다. 이때문에 여타 집수시설에 비해 규모가 대형인 편이다. 이런 대형구조물의 축조에는 계획적이고 치밀한 설계계획이 필수적이다. 본고는 부산 배산성지 1호 집수지의 발굴 조사성과를 토대로, 집수지의 축조 공정을 세밀하게 살펴보았다. 배산성지1호 집수지의 축조 공정은 크게 ‘입지 선정-규모 설정-축조’의 3단계로 진행된다. 이러한 체계적인 계획에 의한 집수지축조는 ‘척(尺)’의 사용이나 평면설계 작도법을 통해 수리학적인 방법이 적용되었던 것으로 추정된다. 특히 배산성지 1 호 집수지의 경우 평면적으로 정원과 정사각형을 내접·외접시키는 작도법을 이용하여 설계하였던 것으로 확인되는데, ‘척’의 존재를 추정해 볼 수 있는 110cm의 의미 있는 단위가 관찰된다. 이런 설계원리는 배산성지 1호 집수지뿐만이 아닌 여타 신라 원형 석축집수지에서도 확인해 볼 수 있는 것으로, 집수지 축조에 자연 제약 극복이라는 요소가 강하게 반영된 것이라 할 수 있다.
Mountain fortresses refer structures that are built on the peak or slope of a mountain via woodwork, earthwork, or stonework, with the goal of defending against enemy assaults. They house military warehouses to keep grains and weapons; should there be an enemy attack, residents living in the flatland are called into the mountain fortress to withstand a siege. Permanent staff is required to manage facilities such as military warehouses, which is the reason that mountain fortresses have auxiliary facilities including water collects, storages, and buildings. The water collect is an esse ntial facility for providing drinking and domestic water for the permanent staff, and takes on the form of collect, water tank, or well. Water collects in mountain fortresses serve not only to provide drinking and domestic water, but also to collect water for firefighting and preventing fortress wall collapses. Because of this reason, such facilities are larger than other types of water storages. Building large structures such as water collects require much time and labor in large-scale public works projects. Building of such large structures is likely to involve systematic and meticulous design planning. This study draws on the excavation results of the No.1 Water collect in the Baesan Fortress site in Busan, to closely examine the building process of the water collect there. Going beyond, the study attempts to look at the design principle of the collect and its significance. An examination of the No.1 Water collect in Baesan Fortress reveals that there are three phases in the water collect building process. The first is to select a site, usually in curved sections of valley water streams where water collection is easier. The second phase is to set the scale and design the facility, during which the targeted water collection volume is determined. The diameter and depth of the water collect is determined based on the targeted watercollection volume. This is also the step in which the most important focus of the building process is determined and the remaining steps are designed. The third phase is to construct the water collect. This phase is divided into six processes. The construction of water collects based on a systematic design planning process clearly indicates that the activity was conducted via the use of the “Cheock(尺)” unit of measurement or a plane design drawing process. The original stone-walled water collect from the Silla Period, constructed under detailed processes in a mountain fortress defending a major military hub, shows that it is a strategic facility involved in the territorial wars and the power centralization of the Silla Kingdom.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 연구목적
Ⅲ. 축조 공정
Ⅳ. 설계원리와 의미
Ⅴ. 맺음말