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KCI등재 학술저널

한국광복군총사령부 간부의 회고를 통해 본 한국광복군 인식과 활동

Perceptions and Activities of Korea Independence Army based on the Recollections of Executives at Its General Headquarters : With a focus on Jo Gyeong-han, Chae Won-gae, and Kim Hong-il

DOI : 10.29004/jkmch.2020.12.95.121
  • 290

본 연구는 광복군 총사령부 출신 인사 조경한, 채원개, 김홍일의 회고를 통해 광복군으로서의 ‘자기 정체성’을 살펴보고자 했다. 광복군 창설부터 1942년까지 광복군에 합류한 조경한은 광복군 창설과 활동 과정에서의 역할과 성과를 ‘자기화’ 했다. 한독당 중견간부로서 자신의 정체성을 반영해 광복군 내 한독당 특별당부관련 사실을 언급했다. 창설부터 복원까지 광복군에 재직한 채원개는 대부분 총사령부 간부로 지냈다. 하지만 총사령부 활동을 구체적으로 회고하지 않은 것은 ‘9개 준승’ 후 총사령부가 중국군에 장악되어 역할을 하지 못했기 때문이었다. 한독당에서 민혁당으로 당적을 바꾼 경험은 광복군으로서 자기 정체성으로 제1지대장을 내세우게 했다. 1945년 5월 참모장으로 부임하여 3개월가량 재직한 김홍일은 광복군 합류 전충칭에 머물며 조선의용대 북상에 관심을 보였다. 참모장 부임 후에는 중국군 제74군단과의 합작 사실을 밝혔다. 하지만 자신의 참모장 부임으로 야기된 광복군 내부갈등, 그리고 청두 한인 훈련반에 대한 언급은 생략했다. 결론적으로 ‘광복군 경험의 기억은 비슷할 것’이라는 인식과 달리 오히려 회고마다 차이를 보였다. 이는 광복군 합류 당시 각자의 상황, 정치적 입장 등에 따라 회고 과정에서 강조점을 달리한 데 따른 결과였다. 결국 광복군을 경험한 인물이 각자 자기 정체성을 담아 기억으로 그려내는 ‘광복군상’은 차이가 있었던 것이다.

This study set out to examine the “self-identity” of fighters in the Korea Independence Army(K.I.A.) based on the recollections of Jo Gyeong-han, Chae Won-gae, and Kim Hong-il that worked for the K.I.A. at its general headquarters. Jo Gyeong-han fought in the K.I.A. from its establishment to 1942, “personalizing” the army’s roles and achievements in the establishment and activity process. Reflecting his identity as a middle-management executive of Korean Independence Party, he mentioned facts related to the party’s special requests. Serving in the K.I.A. from its establishment to its restoration, Chae Won-gae held office as an executive at the general headquarters for most of his service years. He was, however, unable to reflect on the activities of the general headquarters because it was taken over by the Chinese military and not able to perform its roles after the “Nine Rules of Conduct.” His experiences of changing his party membership from Korean Independence Party to Korean National Revolutionary Party made him highlight his position of the 1st zone leader as his self-identity as a member of Independence Army. Kim Hong-il was appointed as the chief of staff in May, 1945 and served the army for about three months. Staying in Chongqing before joining the K.I.A, he showed interest in the north march of the Korean Volunteer Corps. After being appointed as the chief of staff, she revealed the joint operation between the K.I.A. and the 74th Corps of Chinese forces. He, however, omitted to mention the internal conflict caused by his appointment as the chief of staff in the army and the training teams of Korean people in Seongdo. In short, there were rather differences among the recollections of soldiers of the K.I.A. contrary to an assumption that “Soldiers of K.I.A. would share similar memories.” The differences happened as they emphasized different points according to the situations around the time they joined the army and their political positions. In the end, there were differences in “images of K.I.A.” created by those who had experiences with the army based on their self-identity and memories.

1. 머리말

2. 한독당원 조경한의 광복군 인식과 ‘자기화’

3. 총사령부 간부 채원개의 광복군 활동과 자기 정체성 인식

4. 광복군 합류 전후 참모장 김홍일의 광복군 인식 변화

5. 맺음말
