최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

새로운 변화

New Changes : A Study on Climate Change and One Health Paradigm

  • 64

The most serious environmental problem of the twenty-first century is climate change. Environmental and ecological changes resulting from climate change should be approached through a new paradigm that encompasses the transdisciplinary, transnational,and interdisciplinary ideas of “human-animal-ecosystem.” In this context, the One Health paradigm, which emerged in the late twentieth century, requires the close cooperation of a variety of fields, including politics, economy, and culture in addition to the fields of medicine, veterinary medicine, and public health. The establishment of a global disease control and health system following the One Health paradigm has been emerging globally. This study discusses the historical and contemporary conceptualization of the One Health concepts and addresses the U.S. Alaska case as an example of a One Health approach to climate change. It also explores the marginalized role of the humanities and social sciences in building up the One Health paradigm.


1.원헬스 패러다임 개념과 역사

2. 기후변화와 원헬스 패러다임

3. 원헬스 패러다임 구축에서의 인문사회과학의 역할

