최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

인간과 동물, 공존의 윤리학

Humans and Animals, Ethics of Coexistence: Book review of Peter Singer, Animal Liberation (2012, Yeonamseoga)

  • 85

This paper examined the position and influence of Peter Singer s Animal Liberation in the discussion of animal rights and animal liberation movement, and critically discussed some logical and political issues. Animal Liberation has contributed to advancing the animal rights movement by raising the issue of ethical considerations for animals as well as humans. However, there is a need for critical review in the Singer s discussion. First, there is a problems of utilitarian premises. Second, it focuses on an individualistic approach and lacks a holistic perspective. Third, it seems that Animal Liberation is not enough to understand the cultural diversity among human societies. Vegetarianism without this understand can be mistaken for the hypocrisy of the wealthy people of the West who have accumulated wealth through the exploitation of poor countries.

1. 한국의 동물권 논의와 동물보호운동

2. 동물해방운동과 『동물해방』의 위치

3. 인간, 동물, 그리고 생명에 대한 공리주의 윤리학의 시선

4. 동물해방, 부자들의 위선이 되지 않으려면
